“Questioning the ‘Faithfulness’ of Kamala Harris: A Closer Look at ‘Evangelicals for Harris’ Campaign”

Published on August 18, 2024, 12:28 am

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In the landscape of today’s real news and trusted news, a group has emerged which goes by the name, “Evangelicals for Harris,” vehemently advocating their belief that Kamala Harris is a “faithful and committed Christian.” This claim seems hard to reconcile with her critical stance towards certain Christian values throughout her political career.

Typically viewed from a Christian worldview, Kamala Harris is often associated with policies that many followers of Christianity debate heavily. Nevertheless, “Evangelicals for Harris,” an initiative spearheaded by Jim Ball – the same man behind “Evangelicals for Biden” – aims to convince people otherwise.

This endeavor is part of Faith Voters, a larger organization working towards promoting politically progressive agendas apparently underpinned by “Christian values.” They are currently going to great lengths to present Kamala Harris as an individual intimately aligned with Christianity and its teachings.

According to this group’s narrative, they assert that Kamala’s faith roots primarily in social justice, civil rights commitment, and unwavering dedication to alleviating poverty. However, it’s essential to question how these aspects align with her support for controversial issues such as abortion rights, championing sexual freedoms that may counter Christian doctrine, and advocating for restrictions on religious liberties.

Yet despite all odds against a probable affinity between Kamla’s alleged faithfulness and committed Christianity on one side and her political stances on the other; the group presents evidence suggesting otherwise. They point out her ‘multi-faith’ upbringing inclusive of Hindu temples visits in India along with Jewish traditions due to her husband Doug Emhoff. This they believe syncs effectively with Baptist tradition aimed at activism for religious liberty and Church-State separation.

However noteworthy here is the conflict arising when we take into account that state power superseded divine sovereignty during Harris’s upbringing: leading one to contemplate whether Government control became synonymous with faith in her framework?

The crux of this conundrum lies in her purported commitment to justice, equality, and compassion. Advocacy for unrestricted abortion rights, rooting for police defunding, endorsing gender ambiguity, are these modalities expressions of Christian love?

Harris is said to let her faith guide a life long dedication towards civil rights – an ironic proposition seeing that the same civil rights could potentially endorse abortion for convenience or supporting Planned Parenthood accused of endorsing racially based genocide in utero.

In this breaking news scenario arises the question: Does Harris’s advocacy align with the gospel narrative through her promotion of ‘Social Justice’? Is the welfare redistribution ultimately trapping impoverished folks into permanent government dependency reflecting Christ-like justice?

The hideous charade seems quite apparent here: an attempt to drape their non-religious agenda with phrases borrowed from faith in a bid to deceive anyone gullible enough. They realize their policies can hardly stand on its merits; hence cloaking it in religious jargon seems like a desperate bid to conceal underlying discrepancies. It’s bitterly tragic that numerous individuals might be duped by such misleading information and they may make political decisions believing they’re fulfilling some Christian mission.

In short, irrespective of any group’s attempt at reincarnating Kamala Harris as a “faithful and committed Christian,” her history and policies clearly provide essential junctions at odds with many core facets of Christianity. The ongoing debate provides no clear ending within sight anytime soon but definitely adds another layer of intrigue to contemporary political discourse.

Original article posted by Fox News

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