“Christians for Kamala” Conference: A Misnomer for a Gathering of Progressive Christian Extremists?

Published on August 16, 2024, 12:27 am

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In a surprising turn of events within the realm of progressive Christianity emerges the “Christians for Kamala” conference, a gathering aimed at uniting believers in solidarity with politician Kamala Harris. A rally congregated by controversial figures such as John Pavlovitz, this conference aims to encourage believers to bring personal spiritual convictions into politics and to voice their opinions publicly.

A shocking revelation indeed, considering the biblical principles such events seem determined to override. Is it really plausible that self professed Christians are endorsing actions that contradicts established Christian values? Popularising policies that extend abortion rights, opportunities for an unusual form of child entertainment, or procedures to change their physical attributes without parental consent?

However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident these individuals largely vary from the traditional concept of Christians. This event is reminiscent of organizing a support group for vegetarians at a meat festival. The term “Christians,” when associated with supporters at the event seems like a misnomer.

Presiding over this congregation is an array of leftist proponents who project themselves as advocates for ’empathy,’ ‘character,’ and ‘kindness.’ Terms like these often lose their biblical connotation and are instead emboldened with extremist ideologies.

Famous speakers present include Denyse Barnes, Diana Butler Bass among others – all warriors for radical leftist ideologies. Their public appeals boldly contradict what orthodox Christianity stands for thereby questioning their proclaimed faith.

One such example includes activist Jacqui Lewis who alleges that Christians hypocritically condemn homosexuality while consuming bacon which according to her is due to financial gain derived from selective adherence to Leviticus law. Then there’s Brandan Robertson notorious for turning biblical scriptures into LGBTQ+ manifestos and Brian McLaren recognized for challenging scripture authority in favor of cultural acceptance.

Also gracing the conference is Van Jones, a prominent leftist political commentator known for his rhetoric. His presence further emphasizes the veiled intent behind this forum- propounding communist ideals disguised under the pretence of a religious convention.

Unsurprisingly, Spartacus-like figures such as Diana Butler Bass and Doug Pagitt who openly criticize biblical values have advocated for an alternative faith that excludes genuine Christian beliefs. Their standpoint on essential topics such as abortion, homosexuality and Marxism is not covertly held.

Ultimately, though depicted as a “Christians for Kamala’s” conference, it appears to be more accurately described as an assembly of disguised extremists using faith-based language to promote hidden agendas and principles alien to the fundamental essence of Christianity. This misrepresentation using spiritual nomenclature essentially affronts real believers everywhere.

The apparent ability to refer this congregation as ‘Christian’ raises questions about these members’ deep understanding of the word. True discernment would identify them, not es ambassadors of Jesus Christ but vessels propounding atheistic ideals camouflaged in holy terminology.

This analytical dissection affirms there are no “Christians for Kamala”. In ‘real news’, one would say that progressive advocates purporting a Christian worldview are participating in an elaborate masquerade. They embraced social justice gospel in place of Jesus Christ’s teachings – a doctrine devoid of hope or salvation.

In essence, breaking trusted news reveals that this conference is simply an assembly ‘dressed’ in sheep’s clothing with objectives betraying their propagated faith claims.

Original article posted by Fox News

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