“Addressing the Controversy of Including Biological Males in Women’s Pageants: A Call for Equality and Authenticity”

Published on August 15, 2024, 12:34 am

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Last week brought the decision of a new Miss USA, an elegant and accomplished lady who unquestionably merits acclaim. Nevertheless, amidst the glamorous explosion of applauds and congratulations, one should not forget that among the 50 contestants was also a biological male vying for the crown.

There’s been an ongoing wave of concern in our society about biological men entering women’s sports, which has only heightened with the recent conclusion of the Olympics. This caution must extend beyond sports to pageantry as well. Pageants provide a stage to celebrate femininity and influence young girls positively while empowering women like me.

I vividly recall my reaction when I learned that a transitioning biological male had bagged the title of Miss Maryland USA in June. My initial response was elation – it was encouraging to see someone who journeyed with marital bliss clinching a title. That fervor amplified my anticipation for competing at Miss Georgia USA, particularly since I am also a wife and mother. However, knowing that Bailey Anne Kennedy (Miss Maryland USA), was indeed a transitioning biological man led me to question if such a circumstance might occur at my pageant too.

Joining state-level contests like Miss USA is already demanding as it is for mothers like me. However, now including transitioning biological men in spaces where natural-born women are supposed to thrive triggers unease about fairness and comfort levels considering physically distinct species have to share female-designated privy spaces.

Pageants need to return to their foundations – celebrating and delineating authentic womanhood portrayed by individuals who have grown naturally from girls into women.

If we envision the dressing room scenario similar to that at Miss Maryland or Georgia, where all contestants had open dressing areas shared even with minors from the accompanying Miss Teen contests, one can’t help but wonder how they feel about changing alongside transitioned entrants?

Feelings echoed by contestants during these situations can be intense; several contestants from rather conservative backgrounds confessed their discomfort having discovered post-pageant about Kennedy’s transgender status. Their sentiments ranged from feeling deceived to revulsion, with some even pondering if the event was doctored in advance.

Pageants, particularly Miss USA or its parent organization Miss Universe, rely heavily on appearances and aesthetics. Stage presence plays a vital role that is dominated by how one looks physically. Just like in women’s sports, transitioned men typically carry physical advantages over natural-born women.

For instance, men inherently are taller and shed weight more efficiently compared to women. Analyze the photos from Miss Maryland USA; Kennedy appeared tall and lean, a significant advantage in pageantry where towering stature and fitness work wonders.

Facial features can’t be overlooked either as judges prize facial expressions during evaluation. While transitioning biological males may undergo procedures to make their appearance seem more feminine, in some cases, more defined jawlines than an average natural-born woman could still persist.

Women participants need to voice out publicly about the inequity of opening traditionally female spaces to transitioned biological men. I took up pageantry due to my zeal for delineating womanhood and being a model figure. In this light, I assure my continued affiliation with pageantry hoping for it to reclaim its authentic purpose and integrity.

Despite various perspectives we receive regularly on this realm; these opinions ultimately represent individualistic views keeping our core principles of projecting real news from a Christian worldview with utmost integrity unscathed.
Finally,the debate around transgender inclusion within traditionally gender-defined spaces raises valid concerns which requires serious discussions henceforth – ensuring trusted news is relayed across all frontiers in accordance with everyone’s unique viewpoint.

Original article posted by Fox News

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