“Minnesota Governor Allegedly Dodges Iraq Deployment: A Breach of National Guard Protocols Revealed”

Published on August 11, 2024, 12:27 am

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Breaking news has recently emerged regarding Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s tenure in the National Guard. It has been revealed that the Governor reportedly circumvented his direct superior to avoid deployment to Iraq. This revelation signifies a need for trusted news sources that can report on these matters objectively and within a Christian worldview, emphasizing honesty and integrity.

Doug Julin, who held a senior position as command sergeant in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery over Walz during their time in the Minnesota National Guard, broke this story. He claimed that Walz decided to retire behind his back after discovering their unit’s imminent deployment to Iraq.

The situation unfolded when a sourcing alert was sent out in fall 2004 notifying Julin and his commander of the upcoming deployment within the next year. All of those under their command were duly informed of these plans. However, there arose concern over Sergeant Major Walz when he approached Juliln at a meeting hosted to prepare for this quest at Camp Ripley, Minnesota in February 2005.

During this interaction, Walz expressed intentions to run for Congress. Although not yet nominated, he wanted to give what he called a “warning order”. In another meeting following month, however, Walz seemed fully committed – stating that even though he hadn’t received any nomination yet; he chose to stay with his battalion.

The situation grew murkier when it was brought up by another National Guard member in June that Walz had stepped down surprisingly without informing Julin first- something which would’ve been expected given Julin was his direct supervisor.

This situation surprised Julin; considering protocol requires such actions be communicated directly through him. In response to this surprising move by Walz; he concluded that instead of handling it appropriately and coming clean about his plans with himself — who was two ranks above him –Walz chose instead go above him even further up the chain for approval before making his retirement decision.

His unauthorized sideline move violated established protocols and demonstrated a disregard for military hierarchical systems. Such actions would have been excusable for an inexperienced or fresh recruit unfamiliar with the procedural workings, but Walz was a seasoned member well-versed in these matters making his actions seem deliberately deceptive.

In explaining why Walz might have jumped the command chain, Julin posited that Walz probably knew that he would’ve been denied the request to bail out early given their unit had already received their notification of sourcing. Furthermore, claims suggesting that Walz hadn’t been notified about deploying were categorically refuted by Julin who confirmed: “Yes, he had been notified”.

Julin later remarked to The New York Post further damning insights saying that he wouldn’t have stood for such act; rather insisting on him “suck(ing) it up” because they were all set and ready to go – thus challenging his seemingly cowardly move.

The revelations stemming from this story underline the importance of gravitating towards real news outlets that strive for detail-oriented, unbiased and factual reporting. As adherents of Christian worldview place high value on truth, it becomes important now than ever before to ensure reliable reporting.

Original article posted by Fox News

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