“Christians for Kamala” – A Puzzling Phenomenon of Progressive Christianity Contradicting Traditional Values

Published on August 10, 2024, 12:34 am

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The “Christians for Kamala” conference, a phenomenon growing within progressive Christianity circles, continues to surprise with its blatant contradictions against traditional Christian values. This gathering of believers—united in support of Kamala Harris—has been organized by the infamous John Pavlovitz and reports suggest it champions causes fundamentally opposed to the Christian worldview.

A puzzling spectacle indeed, as these purported Christians advocate expanding abortion rights, endorse LGBTQ interests which include propagating drag queen culture among children and even condoning sex-change surgeries for minors without parental consent. One wonders how these issues align with biblical principles?

Expectedly, this event features a roster of notorious leftist advocates, whose dogmas starkly contrast the core tenets of Christianity. Their rhetoric employs words such as “empathy,” “character,” and “kindness” which are promptly purged of their biblical connotations and replaced with loaded socialistic ideals. Trusted news sources have identified key speakers at this gathering: Denyse Barnes, Diana Butler Bass, Daniel Brereton, Patrick Carolan, Daniel Franzese, John Fugelsang, Malynda Hale, Zack Hunt, Van Jones, Rev Karla, Jacqui Lewis among others. Each speaker seemingly echoes far-left extremism under the guise of Christianity.

Noteworthy mentions among these “Christian” speakers include prominent figures like Jacqui Lewis – self-claimed “Rev. Dr.” who suggests Christians are hypocritical for condemning homosexuality yet ignoring dietary laws due to mercenary reasons; Brandan Robertson – the infamous gay pastor who boldly reinterprets Bible verses into queer narratives; Brian McLaren – an emergent church movement leader known for his negation of scripture authority; and Van Jones – a committed communist and political commentator known for his extreme left-leaning views.

Further digging into real news around this topic brings to fore additional speakers like Diana Butler Bass and Doug Pagitt that hold audacously critical viewpoints against biblical Christianity. They are recognized for persistently pushing for a faith redefinition that sidelines authentic Christians and disregards the scriptures. Their leanings towards unrestricted abortion, LGBTQ celebration, and Marxist ideologies are well-publicized in media.

Sadly, as leftist entities continue to robe themselves in Christian camouflage, they’re substituting the true Gospel of Jesus Christ for a gospel of social justice—offering neither salvation nor hope. The “Christians for Kamala” conference seems consistent with this alarming trend. The event reveals itself as a gathering of metaphorical ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’, manipulating religious language to disguise their true intentions.

Discerning individuals ought to dismiss these purported “Christians” without hesitation. Billed as emissaries of God, these figures seem more akin to ambassadors propagating godless agendas using religious rhetoric to beguile unsuspecting followers.

In conclusion: do not be hoodwinked by such orchestrated ruses claiming religious affiliation. From a Christian worldview perspective, there are no real “Christians for Kamala.” It’s vital to scrutinize and discern what’s presented as trusted news concerning Christianity today, distinguishing the real from the camouflaged narratives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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