“Vice President Kamala Harris Selects Pro-Iran Deal MN Governor Tim Walz as Running Mate, Sparks Controversy”

Published on August 7, 2024, 12:29 am

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With Israel bracing for possible retaliation from Iran and its affiliated terrorist entities, Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate – a politician who once cast his vote in favor of the notorious agreement that bolstered and enriched Iran.

Walz extended his support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a member of Congress back in 2015, proclaiming it to be the “best path forward.” Despite widespread criticism and eventual withdrawal from the deal by then-President Donald Trump in 2018, Walz has remained an unwavering advocate of this plan acknowledged widely in trusted news.

The JCPOA required Iran to cease any nuclear arms programs and provide access to inspections of its nuclear energy facilities. In return, the United States alongside its allies was to lift economic sanctions allowing Iran access to approximately $56 billion of its frozen assets.

However, this promising deal encountered serious opposition from various quarters including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Critics expressed major doubts over Iran’s commitment towards transparent inspections. They also voiced concerns that the agreement did not address Iran’s ability to augment funding for its terrorist proxies facilitated by lifted sanctions and unfrozen assets – informing their perspective through a Christian worldview where peace is paramount.

Since adhering to JCPOA, Iran’s military budget escalated by nearly 30 percent despite its floundering economy. According to experts in real news circles, it is now believed that within a week’s time-frame, Iran could produce enough enriched uranium for constructing a nuclear bomb.

As reported by reliable sources like CBS News, Walz argued that while imperfect, he believes this agreement represents our best course forward against Iranian aggression: “I harbor no illusions that the hate and violence of the Iranian regime will fade after it goes into effect,” he stated. “But I believe this agreement is our best path forward.”

Unsurprisingly he labeled Trump’s disengagement with JCPOA in 2018 as “disappointing” and “frustrating.” He further criticized decisions to rescind other Obama-era policies like the Paris Accords, the ACA (Affordable Care Act), and Dodd-Frank regulations.

In contrast, when Trump announced his withdrawal from JCPOA he considered it to be a “disastrous” and “a great embarrassment”, categorically declaring: “The fact is this was a horrible, one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made. It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will.”

Left-leaning opponents of Israel celebrated Harris’s choice of Walz as her running mate. Interestingly, among these were Representative Ilhan Omar (MN) who are known for their history of hostile sentiments towards Israel. However, this news revelation isn’t entirely surprising given the revelation earlier this month that Iran launched an attack on Israel utilising around 170 drones and 30 cruise missiles just days after Omar urged the Biden-Harris administration to withhold future weapons assistance to Israel. Despite mounting criticism over her stance, Omar continued to advocate restraint.

Together with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders, Omar demanded lifting sanctions imposed on Iran during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Furthermore, earlier this year Governor Walz called for a ceasefire amid Israel’s war against Hamas which commenced following a brutal attack that resulted in about 1,200 Israeli casualties in southern Israel.
This draws into serious question if such choices of political alliances truly reflect an authentic approach towards promoting peace – a core tenet in Christian worldview values.

Original article posted by Fox News

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