“FDA Endorses Puberty-Blockers Despite Acknowledging Increased Suicide Risk Among Transgender Teens: A Deep Dive into Controversial Medical Approvals”

Published on August 2, 2024, 12:37 am

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Breaking news in the realm of trusted, real news rooted in Christian worldview reveals that a team leader at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after acknowledging a study highlighting the heightened risk of depression and suicidal tendencies associated with puberty-blocking drugs among transgender teens, has recommended endorsing these drugs.

The campaign that minors struggling with gender dysphoria — consistent identification with the opposing gender to their biological sex — involves using experimental medication to physically align their bodies more closely to their identified gender and prevent potential suicide cases. Contradictorily though, this FDA study implies that these drugs might conversely raise suicide risks.

On January 25, 2022, Shannon Sullivan, clinical team leader at the FDA’s Division of General Endocrinology, acknowledged in an email that a safety review was completed back in 2016-2017 by the agency’s Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products. This evaluation looked into Gonadatropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, medications which inhibit natural testosterone and estrogen release commencing puberty.

America First Legal, a conservative nonprofit organization currently involved in active litigation, obtained the aforementioned email during discovery. Sullivan’s email disclosed that their research centered on suicidal ideation/depression alongside seizures and bone health impacts. Even though most patients tested were dealing with central precocious puberty (precocious maturity), few were transgender kids off-label using these medications.

In light of investigating catch-up growth impacts too, their findings showed no significant effects concerning bone health including fracture susceptibility. However, they noted an increased risk regarding depression/suicidality as well as increased seizure likelihood leading them to agree on safety-related labeling modifications.

Yet still regardless of these sobering findings tied to GnRh agonists’ use among minors , Sullivan proceeded to recommend their approval for usage. Validating her position she referred to patient listening sessions held by The FDA’s Division of Urology, Obstetrics, and Gynecology with both trans kids and adults where she took part. Her opinion was that the approval of these drugs for gender transition was necessary due to their typical high out-of-pocket cost without insurance coverage.

Despite conceding the increased risk of puberty blockers resulting in depression and suicidal tendencies, Sullivan backed them for pediatric ‘medical’ procedures intended for transgender individuals.It perplexes that such a stance could be defended especially when those promoting this approach assert it as a preventative measure against suicide and depression.

America First Legal sued the FDA for unlawfully withholding records regarding off-label use of “puberty blockers” and cross-sex hormones among children. They submitted a Freedom of Information Act request as well for all available FDA records corresponding the off-label prescription of “puberty blockers” alongside other drugs to provide “gender-affirming care”, understood as experimental interventions designed to make young men appear female and vice versa.

These actions were driven by mounting evidence showing potential severe side effects like sterilization, depression, blood clots, elevated blood pressure, weight gain among others. Long-term impacts have also been noted in internal documents from medical professionals advocating such experimental “treatments” including liver cancer among teenagers and reduced sexual function along with subsequent concern about lack of informed consent in regards to decisions with lifelong implications.

Significantly some doctors even consider prescribing Lupron – a drug utilized in chemically castrating sex offenders – to make young males seem more feminine. This adds an additional complexity considering GnRH agonists have FDA clearance only for central precocious puberty but not for gender dysphoria.

The lawsuit by America First Legal commenced on grounds that the FDA failed to give up requested documents within the legally stipulated timeframe. Notably, one of those briefly withheld happened to be Sullivan’s email which was shared originally within FDA circles while discussing proper response strategies corresponding an inquiry from news agency Reuters probing information related to minors using approved puberty-blocking drugs, originally designed for central precocious puberty, albeit off-label for those transgender children journeymen.

This revelation indeed offers significant insight into the risks and challenges associated with the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors, questioning some prevalent medical perspectives while echoing the need for more comprehensive research and dialogue on this critical topic.

Original article posted by Fox News

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