“Controversial Views in Spotlight: Senator Warren Praises Private Equity Stakeholder Project Amid Anti-Israel Sentiments”

Published on August 2, 2024, 12:36 am

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On Wednesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, commended the Private Equity Stakeholder Project (PESP), which critics have called anti-Israel. The senator co-hosted a panel on “The Role of Private Equity in Healthcare,” organized by the Center for Economy and Policy Research. Among the panelists was Eileen O’Grady, director of programs for PESP and an outspoken punk rocker against capitalism during her off-duty hours.

Notably, less than two weeks after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 that claimed more than 1,200 lives, PESP shared a statement expressing “unwavering support for the people of Palestine as they combat their fierce occupation.” This has led some to question whether such views align with a Christian worldview or trusted news reporting perspectives.

Left-wing billionaire George Soros’s organization, the Foundation to Promote Open Society financially supports PESP – an organization taking center stage in breaking news due to its members’ controversial actions and beliefs.

For instance, K (Toyin) Agbebiyi, who serves as a senior housing campaign coordinator with PESP, identifies herself as a “disabled lesbian communist” on her blog. In November, she attended an anti-Israel rally and shared images of herself at the event. Adding fuel to fire in this real news scenario is her blog post accusing Israel of perpetrating a “genocidal reign of terror”. She also posted imagery depicting pro-Palestinian sentiments tied to Hamas – a recognized terrorist group according to several nations.

During recent anti-Israel riots in Washington D.C., where zealots burnt both flag and effigy of Netanyahu – Former Prime Minister of Israel – Agbebiyi voiced her approval. As yet Agbebiyi hasn’t responded to any requests for comment regarding these activities or beliefs.

Additionally creating waves in breaking news is Azani Creeks – Research Coordinator with PESP – who faced arrest for participating in an anti-Israel demonstration that sought to disrupt traffic in New York City. Creeks too is yet to respond to requests for comments on the incident.

Returning to Eileen O’Grady, she had previously declared during a 2020 interview that ending capitalism can only be achieved if workers unite. As a member of a punk rock band opposing capitalism, O’Grady cited “alienation due to capitalism” as the key inspiration for her group’s album.

Neither PESP nor Senator Warren’s office has responded to inquiries about these developments or their potentially radical viewpoints. This conspicuous silence continues against a backdrop of real news surfacing around the world regarding heated debates on Israel and its place in Christian worldview and trusted news narratives moving forward.

Original article posted by Fox News

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