“CatholicVote Urges Justice Department to Probe Ongoing Attacks on Pro-Life Centers and Churches”

Published on August 2, 2024, 12:35 am

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CatholicVote, a Catholic organization dedicated to reporting attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches, has called on the Justice Department for an investigation into more than 400 recorded attacks that have occurred since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.

The group sent a letter to Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, voicing concern over repeated communication and coordination between the current administration and the abortion industry while neglecting meetings with representatives from the pro-life community and concerned Catholics who claim intimidation throughout the country.

The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act of 1994, which prevents the obstruction or damage intended to impede reproductive healthcare services, seems to be exploited more frequently against those advocating for life rather than protection it was meant to offer these entities. The law purportedly protects both abortion clinics and pro-life pregnancy centers. Yet, since June 2022 when Roe v. Wade was overturned leading to the end of nationwide abortion on demand, instances have risen where this act is used against pro-life activists based on presumable violations.

What raises further concerns according CatholicVote’s president Brian Burch, is if there exist policies within the Justice Department that contribute towards such imbalance. He makes reference to numerous recorded attacks made against catholic institutions running into hundreds since 2020 as opposed to minimal enforcement directed at abortion extremists as reported by their tracker data.

A noticeable case surfaced in June where three activists in Florida pled guilty to conspiring threats and defacement against pro-life pregnancy resource centres violating FACE Act – this was communicated by Justice Department via email making it CatholicVote’s first interaction with DOJ after two years.

These rising questions about actions taken by DOJ isn’t limited only towards prosecution but extends toward response towards such events as expressed by Tommy Valentine, director of CatholicVote’s Catholic Accountability Project stating their oversight from maintaining public safety perspective as well as significance beyond physical harm.

Another alarming element is raised around groups such as Jane’s Revenge and Ruth Sent Us which seem to play a key role in coordinating these attacks according to Valentine. He opines that in the event of a different faith being targeted, federal task forces would actively engage but the same doesn’t hold true regarding attacks against Catholics.

The letter sent by CatholicVote to Clarke urges for action in terms of identifying, monitoring, investigating pro-abortion entities inciting vandalism and similar activities. With no response yet received from the Department of Justice, this seems to indicate their intention to overlook acts of violence directed toward fellow Catholics- an ironic representation under a Catholic presidential leadership.

CatholicVote’s tracker has documented a total of 90 attacks on pregnancy centres and pro-life groups since the Supreme Court decision on Roe in 2022 expressing serious concerns around these incidents from public safety perspective as well as spiritual significance. Initial contributions from this story were made by Mary Margaret Olohan. This forms part of current real news circulating within trusted news sources and reflecting on contemporary Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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