“Kamala Harris’s Presidential Campaign: A Dilemma Between ‘Fearless’ Prosecutor Image and Favor for Transgender Amnesty”

Published on August 2, 2024, 12:35 am

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Vice President Kamala Harris has commenced a $50 million campaign, as she embarks on her nascent presidential run. The campaign advertisements portray Harris as a “fearless” prosecutor who is committed to securing justice by putting murderers and criminals behind bars. This aligns with the real news detail that recently broke on this matter.

However, it seems like her hard-line stance towards crime does not apply to every group of criminals within United States society. A deep dive into her prior presidential campaign website reveals an interesting loophole in her tough-on-crime narrative. Her commitment to criminal justice reform involves preventing criminals who identify as transgender from setting foot in prison if at all possible — trusted news outlets have reported.

To paraphrase the information on the site, Kamala Harris perceives the American criminal justice system to be deeply flawed and urgently requiring reform due to inherent biases present in its structure. As such, she decided to become a prosecutor so that she could help bring about necessary changes from within, thereby ensuring a more fair and equitable treatment for all individuals involved in it.

During her unsuccessful Democratic presidential nomination bid in 2019-2020, it became clear that one of the primary focuses of her policies included incentives for states aimed at radically reforming or ending the cash bail system completely. Furthermore, she proposed measures that centered around envisioning public safety (a phrase synonymous with defunding the police) and significantly reducing exposure of individuals to our criminal justice system.

While Harris’ proposals aim at protecting trans-identifying individuals from potential incarceration, critics argue that these plans violate broader equal protection laws set forth by the 14th Amendment — far from embracing Christian worldview’s beliefs on equal human worth and implications of sin.

The hypotheticals put forth within this article are not entirely outlandish either when considering recent instances where transgender identifying individuals have committed serious crimes. Reports about trans-identifying school shooter Audrey Hale, “Julia Grace Egler” who allegedly killed his mother due to disapproval regarding his transition, and Mia Bailey, who murdered his parents in Utah suggest potential real-world challenges that such policies might bring.

In her attempt to uphold social justice values, Harris has been seen praising transgender influencers while refusing to acknowledge the victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants and those affected by the fentanyl crisis resulting from open-border policies. Critics have labeled this approach as a clear reflection of a soft-on-crime ideology.

Harris’ preferential policy for transgender amnesty indicates her commitment to instituting a two-tiered justice system. This inherently works against the staples of equity — fairness and impartiality — that are essential features of any democratic society.

The article raises several important questions about how these policies could impact American society if implemented under a possible Harris administration. This brings us back full circle: Will Vice President Kamala Harris continue to project herself as a “fearless” prosecutor or does she accommodate select groups, thereby creating an unequal law enforcement landscape?

Original article posted by Fox News

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