“Unmasking The Far-Left’s Bid For Power: Support Shift From Biden to Harris Explained”

Published on July 31, 2024, 12:43 am

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Amid increasing demands from Democrats for Joe Biden’s withdrawal, there was a surprising quietude from self-professed “progressives.” However, once Biden was ousted, they were quick to rally behind Kamala Harris. This intriguing dichotomy arises from the far-left’s conviction that Biden’s exit could result in potentially larger victories for them with Harris.

Despite resumed calls for Biden’s departure following the attempted assassination of Trump, left-leaning Democratic leaders steadfastly supported Biden. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders asserted that Biden had been one of the most successful presidents in recent American history and was capable of defeating Trump. Similarly, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), an influential member of the far-left Squad, criticized those seeking to remove Biden.

Ironically, even though Biden’s Senate profile contrasts starkly with their own ideologies, support from the far-left remained unwavering as he bagged the 2020 nomination with an appreciable number of Democrats supporting his final competitor – Sanders.

This loyalty shown by the far-left amidst increasing discord within the party is unsurprising considering their hopes of reaching presidency via party primaries; given their little chance of garnering support from the party establishment just like when Sanders almost bested Hillary Clinton in 2016.

But this is just the surface-level explanation. Beneath lies a more nuanced reality. Since taking office in 2021, President Biden has catered to every feasible demand posed by the far left faction such as embracing radical environmentalism, promoting student loan forgiveness and advocating generous spending and taxation at maximum permissible levels under moderates’ restrictions. His policies also favored appeasement over deterrence in foreign affairs department while directing public resources towards Diversity-Equity-Inclusion initiatives across federal agencies apart from opening up Southern borders.

What’s interesting is even if President Biden had lost his reelection bid his administration would be deemed as significantly leftist in American political history thereby benefitting the far-left’s agenda. An icon of this satisfaction was Sanders not running for the Presidential seat, none withstanding his participation in previous two elections.

Moreover, any Democrat defeat forthcoming in November is likely to predominantly affect less extreme Democrats representing swing districts which would inadvertently increase far-left’s influence within the party irrespective of dwindling Democrat numbers.

Looking at all scenarios, it appears that no matter what Biden’s outcome was, the far-left faction stood to gain. These factors led them towards supporting Harris as the Democratic nominee immediately after Biden stepped down. Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), expressed her delight at supporting Harris and reiterated her commitment to defeat Trump in November. Others like Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Rep. Cori Bush(D-MO) echoed similar sentiments leading to a significant sway towards Harris from Democrats’ far-left faction.

In contrast to Biden who met their demands yet did not identify with them, Harris provides an exponentially higher prospective benefit as she aligns with their ideology and initiatives such as Green New Deal and basic income legislation apart from adopting open-border immigration policies release a potential surge of immigrants into the country.
Clearly while having Biden on their side was beneficial for the far left, nothing can replace someone like Harris who is already embedded deep in their ideological trenches.

Therefore, by closely examining these political moves we can gain valuable insight on how alignments shift dynamically providing real news and trustworthy updates shaped by Christian Worldview that is centered around truth and fairness. With rapid events unfolding every day, we endeavor to serve readers by bringing latest breaking news; staying true to our commitment towards integrity and accuracy.

Original article posted by Fox News

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