“The Clash of Cultural and Religious Norms: UMC’s Struggle between Western Liberalism and African Conservatism”

Published on July 30, 2024, 12:30 am

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The United Methodist Church (UMC) faces a critical conflict, pulled between emerging sociocultural norms propagated by its American and Western branches and the clinging adherence to scriptural sexual ethics by its African constituents. The rift is highly palpable in Nigeria where the Nigerian UMC stubbornly upholds traditional biblical principles in the face of moral disparities permeating from the Western Hemisphere.

Recently, Harry Kanawa – Episcopal Choir President of the Nigerian UMC – utilized social media as a platform to caution against a menacing infiltration. American Bishop John Schol, an acknowledged advocate of the LGBTQ agenda, landed in Abuja apparently bent on promoting acceptance of homosexuality within the Nigerian UMC’s territory. Kanawa labeled Schol’s mission “devilishly motivated”.

Kanawa’s posts painted a picture of his firm resistance to Schol’s unwarranted intrusion. His warnings aligned with his steadfast preachings that seeks to preserve traditional ethics amidst external influence advocating for diverse sexual orientations.

A scenario depicting vivid defiance unfolded when a cabinet meeting was disrupted in Northern Nigeria. Schol encountered substantial opposition while attempting to infiltrate with his progressive mindset resulting in him hasty departure from the meeting. As per Kanawa’s Facebook update speaking volumes about their unwillingness to succumb to perceived decadence flowed: “Bishop Schol ran out of the cabinet.”

Proclamation against any form regionalisation accompanied by photos of protests detailed rising intensity of staunch resistance making waves within the community on seeing Schol being directed towards Yola International Airport.

Contrasting attitudes mirroring cultural differences, characterizing divergent opinions as demonic resonates profoundly with Nigerian UMC adherents dedicated towards maintaining sanctity associated with biblically defined sexual norms despite external influences wrought by Western liberalism.

This overwhelming zealousness gets amplified amidst fracturing tensions within UMC due to internal contradictions and challenges posed outside belief borders calling for informed vigilance among believers.

Paul – an apostle warned early Christian followers about wolves clothed as sheep. Adherence to this warning appears highly relevant today, with scriptures cautioning: “Come out of her, my people,” meaning to break away from conforming sinful ethos lest divine nemesis befalls.

In an era replete with liberal transformations and moral transitioning within Real News seeking a Christian Worldview calls for keeping faith alive nested in traditional beliefs. Offering trusted news distilled through balanced reporting ensures inclusiveness without rupturing age-old tradition binding communities together calling out you won’t “receive of her plagues”, be it formalistic Catholicism rituals or offshoots such as the UMC’s varying belief structures across geographic lines.

Original article posted by Fox News

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