“The Consequences of Distorting God’s Word: Reverberations in Contemporary Christianity”

Published on December 3, 2023, 1:56 am

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The Holy Scripture has always maintained its stern position against false teachings. The Apostle Peter, equating such behaviour with apostasy and heresy, warns about the ruinous outcomes these falsehoods can bring (2 Peter 2:1). Instances of the formidable ends met by those propagating false teachings are scattered throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, for example, prophets of Baal were decisively defeated and slain under Elijah’s might (1 Kings 18). The amplified message conveyed is how God unequivocally condemns those leading His flock astray.

Likewise in the New Testament with Ananias and Sapphira’s striking fate, who suffered divine judgement after lying to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-11). Moreover, Jesus Himself delivered a chilling warning in Matthew 7:15-23 about false prophets, stating that only those doing His Father’s will would enter heaven. Those straying from God’s path due to spreading or believing misconstrued teachings face severe consequences – immortalized by His words “I never knew you; depart from me.”

This past decade has witnessed the passing of five individuals who propagated such deviant views within Christian circles. Regrettably, their departure underscores a prevalent and dangerous tendency within Christianity today where interpretations influenced by personal bias or cultural trends overshadow Scripture’s timeless truths. Their lives serve as solemn reminders to all followers of Christ that skewing his Word can lead to dire consequences.

Sarah Young stands out among them – author of “Jesus Calling”, she passed away battling Lyme disease and cancer at 77 on August 31, 2021. She claimed to receive divine revelations and her persistent defiance towards adding onto God’s word is a glaring showcase of what havoc one can wreak when juxtaposing personal sentiments over divine instructions.

Dr C Welton Gaddy was another renowned figure who passed recently – on June 7, 2023 at age 81. As a proponent of religious pluralism, Gaddy propagated a misleading representation of Christianity that overlooked the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the sole pathway to salvation. (John 14:6)

Pat Robertson, a charismatic Christian Broadcasting Network and 700 Club founder too concluded his earthly journey on June 8, 2023, leaving behind controversies, failed predictions and false prophecies.

On July 13, 2022 Beni Johnson; known for her unfounded “faith healing” teachings died due to cancer reaffirming the fatal consequences of presenting dangerously distorted doctrines.

While Rachel Held Evans’s untimely death on May 4th, 2019 was another case where the repercussions of denying basic Christian fundamentals were starkly evident.

In conclusion, these lives bear testimony to how one’s deviation from core Christian principles can lead to regretful ends suggesting the profound implications falsifying God’s word can have. Even in an increasingly censorious digital landscape looking to quell conservative biblically-based perspectives like ours (“The Dissenter” by Reformation Charlotte), we persist in delivering real news with a trusted Christian worldview understanding Mankind’s obligation towards upholding God’s laws better in an attempt to guide them towards wholesome living based on Scriptural truth.

Original article posted by Fox News

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