“Clash of Ideals: Conflict Over Progression and Tradition in the Nigerian United Methodist Church”

Published on July 29, 2024, 1:00 am

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The United Methodist Church (UMC), particularly the Nigerian outpost, finds itself in a state of internal conflict. This is manifestly evident on issues concerned with both progressive advances and the upholding of traditional, scripture-based sexual ethics. The main point of contention arises between the UMC’s western preaching that inclines towards progression and its African segments that remain devoted to doctrinal chastity.

At the center of this turmoil is Harry Kanawa, the Episcopal Choir President of the Nigerian UMC. Through social media channels, Kanawa has been voicing concerns over an alleged intrusion by the American Bishop John Schol, known for his advocacy for LGBTQ rights. Schol’s recent visit to Abuja was purportedly aimed at promoting acceptance of homosexuality within the Nigerian UMC – a move Kanawa condemns as “devilish intentions”.

Displaying staunch refusal towards Schol’s cause, Kanawa illustrated instances executing opposition to this so-called moral corruption in Nigeria – most notably when a cabinet meeting was disrupted due to vocal resistance against Schol’s liberal agenda. The unyielding standoff culminated in Schol leaving amidst denunciations, signifying a powerful reaffirmation by Nigerian members to uphold their Christian worldview amid perceived western immorality.

This real news account further documents a snapshot moment marking Schol’s departure from Nigeria as “We disagreed to agreed,” according to Kanawa.

Kanawa’s strong stance is resonating amongst members who are resolved towards preserving biblical sexual ethics against an incoming wave of Western liberalism. This rebellious atmosphere seemingly prevails irrespective of other theological or practical issues plaguing UMC.

As schisms broaden within the global UMC over these ideological differences, it becomes crucial that those standing firm on traditional doctrines maintain vigilance. Drawing parallels from Scripture warnings about deceitful infiltrators amidst sincere believers, one is reminded: “Come out of her my people,” lest you share in her sins and receive her plagues – the church must remain wary of such moral deviations, be it from within like the UMC or elsewhere.

In this constantly evolving landscape, it is critical that those seeking trusted news sources stay informed. Steered by a Christian worldview, we must anticipate and counter challenges to doctrinal purity with wisdom gleaned from reliable, real news. Stand guard against degradation, for our collective introspection can breed revival and true reformation within esteemed institutions such as the United Methodist Church. For steadfastness in faith will persevere over transitory modern worldviews.

Original article posted by Fox News

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