“Elizabeth Warren Doesn’t Dispute Kamala Harris’s Potential To Become the Most Progressive President in U.S. History”

Published on July 29, 2024, 12:57 am

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Over the past weekend, Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, did not explicitly contradict suggestions that Vice President Kamala Harris could emerge as the most left-leaning president in American history. This speculation arises as Harris’s position is solidified after President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race.

During an interview on Sunday conducted by Jake Tapper for “State of the Union,” Warren was prompted to address these assertions. The discussion stemmed from previous remarks made by former President Donald Trump who characterized Harris as “the ultra-liberal driving force” behind all significant issues faced during Biden’s term.

Tapper directly queried whether a prospective President Harris would indeed represent the pinnacle of progression in US presidential history and if, in Warren’s opinion, such a development should be welcomed. Instead of directly answering Tapper’s question, Warren praised Vice President Harris’s readiness for presidency based on her existing commitment to fighting for working families.

Drawing from her firsthand knowledge of Harris that spans nearly one-and-a-half decades, Warren extolled Harris’s accomplishments and relentless advocacy; notably, her stand against major banks imposing foreclosures on homeowners.

Warren further noted Harris’s crucial role in amplifying abortion rights and lauded her as a “national leader” within the leftist movement. According to Senator Warren, Kamala Harris stands poised to lead on pivotal issues—given a conducive Congress aligning with democratic values—that benefit women across America,

As captured in an online video shared by Steve Guest (as seen below), Senator Elizabeth Warren fell short of denying Kamala Harris’s potential to become one most intense left-wing Presidents in U.S. history.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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