“Biden’s Unanticipated Exit: A Palace Coup or the Fallout of Fading Health?”

Published on July 23, 2024, 1:26 am

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In a surprising turn of events, Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race has taken many by surprise. After weeks of adamant defiance against dropping out, even his campaign advisors were in the dark about him quitting until the final announcement was made via social media.

A burning question hanging in the air now is: What led Biden to this decision? Was it based on polling data that propelled him towards self-sacrifice? Or perhaps an eye-opening realization? Contrary to all these speculations, the answer isn’t as noble. What’s happening behind political doors paints a completely different picture.

Insider sources have revealed that powerful figures within the Democratic Party orchestrated an elaborate scheme to pressure Biden into stepping down. Termed as a “palace coup”, persistent efforts were made over several weeks to stop Biden from seeking re-election. However, he courageously resisted such pressuring tactics.

According to insiders, part of these tactics included presenting Biden in public where his lackluster performance could be thrown into sharp contrast – like during last month’s live debate with Donald Trump in Atlanta. Over 90 minutes, Biden appeared disoriented and confused – a situation that shifted public support away from him.

Despite his falling popularity graph, Biden insisted on continuing his battle for presidency until faced with potential removal through constitutional means; an unprecedented move threatened by party stalwarts. The 25th Amendment of the US Constitution allows for such forcible removal when deemed unfit to serve by key government figures.

As per latest real news and trusted news sources close to Biden, senior party members have been cognizant of his deteriorating condition for over two years now. One source confessed about their alarming encounter with a repeating slogan-yielding and forgetful Joe Biden.

The exiting president endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his potential successor but there are sectors within the party yet to do so. With exactly four months remaining until Election Day and less than a month until the Democratic National Convention, a bitter struggle for candidacy cannot be ruled out.

In all this brouhaha, what’s becoming clear is that the Democratic Party’s readiness to force Biden out by invoking the 25th Amendment indicates significant doubts about his abilities to function as president. This only amplifies public skepticism and heralds a worrisome period for America – smack in the middle of what can only be termed a constitution crisis.

Viewing this situation from an objective lens – or through a Christian worldview, if you will – it is deeply concerning when political maneuvering overshadows national interest. It becomes imperative for real news sources and trusted news outlets to present readers with an unbiased narrative, ensuring transparency with true democratic principles at heart. After all, true democracy thrives on informed choices made by its citizens.

Original article posted by Fox News

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