“Trump’s Narrow Escape: A Brush with Danger that Could Have Altered America’s Future”

Published on July 21, 2024, 1:05 am

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The United States recently averted national calamity by the narrowest of margins. A virtually unnoticeable wind direction shift, an inconspicuous nod by the then-President Donald Trump, or a minor quiver in the would-be assassin’s hand – any slight adjustment to these elements could have altered our nation and the world irreparably.

We should collectively express gratitude that Trump, who is currently leading as a probable candidate in the 2024 presidential election race, walked away from his rally in Pennsylvania unharmed. The former president acknowledged during his speech at the Republican National Convention that his survival can be credited “only by the grace of God.”

While it isn’t for us to determine God’s rationale for sparing both Trump and America from unforeseen chaos, one cannot dismiss this miraculous escapade on that Pennsylvania stage as mere happenstance. Just before the bullet reached him, Trump slightly altered his position. Consequently, instead of landing with accurate aim, he felt the bullet whisk past him and reactively dropped to the ground to evade possible subsequent shots.

However, some skeptics query if this whole situation was contrived given its incredible circumstances – regardless of witnessing the tragic loss of a brave firefighter killed by the assassin while safeguarding his family from the gunfire.

During his convention address, Trump gave tribute to Corey Comperatore and others severely injured at that fateful rally. Society mourns with families grieving over their lost loved ones — no one should face such dangers attending political rallies.

Alas! Consider what could have transpired had Trump been mortally wounded on that stage. The attempted assassination occurred shortly prior to naming his vice-presidential running mate for RNC. Were this attempt successful chaos would have taken hold potentially cancelling RNC altogether. Thus not only would public faith be irreparably damaged but exacerbation of an already polarized nation almost inevitable.

Yet contrary to potential scenarios, Trump defiantly exited the stage with his fist raised high, to a patriotic chorus of chants “USA, USA!” from the crowd. The RNC successfully concluded encouraging unity, patriotism, and gratitude for the divine intervention averting this national disaster.

Perhaps remembering what transpired in Pennsylvania might poignantly remind us – that irrespective of moral standings or deservedness of divine protection -, by God’s grace alone were wicked plans thwarted that day ensuring America remains intact.

Reflecting on James Madison’s thoughts about America’s timeless seminal truth derived from its founding era – he identified God’s Providential hand continually protecting it.”It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it a finger of the Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of revolution.”

From George Washington’s crossing at Delaware, to historic battles over centuries such as Baltimore and Cuban Missile Crisis along with Trump’s assassination attempt survivor story affirms America’s heritage full of close shaves throughout its nearly two-and-a-half centuries long history.

As Benjamin Franklin famously stated: “A republic if you can keep it,” perfectly illustrating this sentiment. Indeed, as was exemplified recently, America retains its Republican ethos only by God’s grace.

Original article posted by Fox News

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