“Speculation Amidst Democrats: Was the Assassination Attempt on Trump Staged?”

Published on July 19, 2024, 12:37 am

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In recent news, a poll unveiled that approximately one-third of Democrat participants suspect that the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, may have been staged. The study conducted by Morning Consult discovered that 34% of Democratic voters they surveyed found it plausible or very likely that the shooting incident involving Trump could be orchestrated. Only a mere 45% deemed the hypothesis improbable.

Interestingly enough, some well-known leftists have also started speculating whether the shooting was arranged or if Trump’s injury was indeed caused by a bullet. Take Dmitri Mehlhorn for example – an influential adviser to Democrat megadonor Reid Hoffman. He reportedly insinuated in an email communication that there might have been credible reasons to believe the shooting was endorsed and potentially even set up so Trump could reap benefits from the ensuing commotion and backlash.

For context, it must be noted that Hoffman has donated $7 million to a Biden-aligned super PAC and $6 million to another group opposing Trump during this election cycle. In his controversial email intended for journalists with similar leanings (and forwarded to Semafor), Mehlhorn hinted at a horrifying possibility quite foreign and absurd in America but widely seen elsewhere around the globe.

According to him, this ‘shooting’ might have been encouraged or even staged so Trump could make use of the photographs and benefit from people’s reactions – concessions drawn from classic Russian tactics where public atrocities are blamed on terrorists to sway public sentiment towards those in power.

While acknowledging the potential theory of loyalty-gone-awry where someone violently against Trump might have decided to target him amid current chaos, he also raised critical questions about several aspects related to this incident which reflected similarities with classic Putin strategies.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid seems like she shares similar doubts as she questioned various aspects pertaining to medical reports relating to Trump’s injuries; movement and location details about attendees at the time; how the shooter managed to occupy the building’s roof when local law enforcement were actively present inside; and why Trump was allowed to pose for photographs, pumping his fist right after the incident.

Furthermore, former CNN reporter John Harwood expressed his skepticism regarding the severity of Trump’s injury and indicated that it might have instead been triggered by something minor like a shard from shattered glass.

This series of unfolding speculations makes for trusted news that instigates critical thinking while highlighting a situation where real news mingles with conspiracy theories, challenging our pursuit of unadulterated truth in line with a Christian worldview that promotes truth, humility, justice and love. The episode serves as an illuminating study of personal bias within politics and media.

Original article posted by Fox News

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