“Political Leanings in Late-Night Television: A Reflection of Left-Wing Activism and Anti-Trump Sentiments”

Published on July 14, 2024, 1:32 am

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One cannot help reminiscing about the milder era of political humor when Johnny Carson was the reigning monarch of late-night television. In stark contrast, today’s after-dark media landscape is heavily laden with serious left-wing activists, with Jimmy Fallon serving as a modern embodiment paralleling Carson’s style.

A fresh study conducted by the Media Research Center spearheaded by Alex Christy unveils the partisan inclination of guests who expressed political opinions over a nine-month phase. It shows that about 94%, or 137 out of every 145 guest, were liberals. This scenario indicates the ideological leaning of hosts when political discussions happen to be their key concern.

In the midst of an intense public altercation surrounding President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance and whether it warrants his exit from the campaign, comedians do not shy away from showing their pro-resignation sentiments. They may adopt a diplomatic approach saying “it’s not for me to say,” but their underlying preference points towards Biden stepping down.

Let’s illuminate this trend through Jon Stewart, who has lately emerged as an epitome of sardonicity in late-night talk shows. Following Biden’s assertion that he did his utmost to beat former President Donald Trump during a conversation with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Stewart sharply retorted pointing out that elections are not about earning participation trophies but ensuring the successful functioning of democracy.

The tendency to parallel Trump with dictator Hitler persists within these episodes. Even though Trump’s daughter chose to follow Judaism and his policies largely favored Israel, such wild declarations originated from the mouth of Jon Leibowitz “Stewart”—a figure renowned for advocating sanity restoration in social settings but seemingly disappointed everyone.

NBC’s Seth Meyers joined this bandwagon by criticizing Biden openly and suggesting that America requires a more articulate Democratic candidate than Biden could ever be—especially given that a potential threat looms against American democracy.

According to Meyers, anyone claiming themselves as democracy’s last line of defense should not adhere to a “more sleep” action plan, a proposal Biden seemed keen to follow by reducing after-dark events and allotting more time for rest.

Meanwhile, Stephen Colbert on CBS expressed discomfort with Biden’s wavering performance during debates—this allowed Trump to indulge in lies, blatant racism, and strange golfing brags—causing some critics to label it as the worst debate demonstration observed till date.

Colbert even went on to question the need for debates altogether while speaking with CNN host Abby Phillip. Amidst all this tumultuous anti-Trump furor is an alarming conviction that democracy could collapse if they lose.

To wrap things up, Colbert contemplated that Biden seems entrapped in a tug-of-war between perseverance and self-sacrifice—whereas the latter demands extraordinary courage assumedly possessed by Biden himself.

While ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel was away on summertime hiatus, Kathryn Hahn traumatized everyone when she announced she would rather root for a skeleton than Donald Trump—even going as far as hinting her vote might literally be favoring a deceased candidate over Trump.

Concealed beneath all these harsh attitudes lies pure sincerity. The so-called “comedians” are not merely adopting an entrepreneurial posture or imitating rebellious factions—they genuinely believe their claims about impending doom of democracy if they succumb to defeat. Yet, irrespective of their sincerity levels, there exist strong implications that they require medicinal assistance based on their lack thereof in maintaining a sense of calm or rational view about America’s future trajectory.

These characters neither possess nor can exercise any authority over others regarding embracing reality or expressing sensible outlooks about what the upcoming days have in store for America.

Original article posted by Fox News

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