“Christian Lawmakers React Against Proposed Arkansas Abortion Amendment: A Stand for Life”

Published on December 1, 2023, 3:52 am

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In the realm of real and trusted news, a significant development has recently transpired in the sphere of pro-life legislation. Amid ongoing debates within the Democratic party concerning abortion rights, a body of Christian lawmakers has voiced strong opposition to an aggressive proposed amendment pertaining to abortion laws in Arkansas, substantiated by their firm Christian worldview.

The National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) has publicly condemned the controversially titled “Arkansas Reproductive Healthcare Amendment” which according to them would embed children’s termination rights into the state constitution of Arkansas. Representative Mary Bentley (R-54th district), who spearheads the NACL Legislative Council, expressed her views through the NACL release dated November 28. Bentley underscored that disguising abortion as healthcare is misleading and amounts to endorsing child killing under a veil. She asserted: “We ought to resist this appalling act of homicide and its shield of deception that attempts to disguise it.”

Even though Tim Griffin, Attorney General of Arkansas, repudiated both the current amendment title and ballot designation pertaining to pro-abortion last week, activists remain steadfast in their endeavor to implement this measure on the 2024 ballot.

The detrimental impact abortions have on mothers and unborn infants is undebatable with methods ranging from surgical procedures causing unfathomable pain for babies or medication inducing starvation for unborn infants. Mothers too often grapple with grave consequences like heightened risk of depression, trauma, potential suicide tendencies post undergoing an abortion procedure.

The NACL contends that this suggested amendment could potentially facilitate late-term abortions up until childbirth. It further elaborated its press release motive: “Recently we witnessed most transformative pro-life legislature being enacted regionally symbolizing our resolution toward safeguarding lives’ sanctity.” They pleaded with Arkansans: stand for life against any constitutional alteration favoring abortions.

With reference to Jeremiah 1:5 – where God asserts I knew you before you were conceived – Senator Kim Hammer (R-16th district) along with the role of NACL’s Arkansas State Chair and Pastor, perceives every child as a divine blessing. Hammer passionately opposes any initiative endorsing abortion and calls upon everyone to uphold these unalienable rights inferred by their founding fathers by repudiating the proposed constitutional amendment: “Each unborn child is entitled to life, love, and the fundamental right to exist.”

Original article posted by Fox News

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