“SAVE Act: A Landmark Legislation for Reinforcing Election Integrity and Democratic Process”

Published on July 11, 2024, 12:57 am

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Today, in a landmark progress for election integrity, the House of Representatives will proceed to vote on the Secure America’s Future Elections (SAVE) Act. By amending the National Voter Registration Act, this significant legislation aims to reinforce genuine democracy by mandating individuals to provide proven evidence of citizenship during registration for federal elections.

This trusted news delivers an impassioned development against electoral malpractices from a Christian worldview: should the SAVE Act attains legislative approval, it would then confront stern resistance in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

In reference to real news about current election registration policies, no laws necessitate applicants to present proof of citizenship on federal voting registration forms. The existing procedure under the National Voter Registration Act merely demands them to vouch for their U.S. citizenship status.

Recently, widespread irregularities have come into public scrutiny as several agencies including welfare offices and La Jornada were reportedly spotted distributing voter registration forms without requesting proof of citizenship – even inclusive of illegal immigrants.

Reacting to these alarming trends last month, Rep. Chip Roy drove 49 GOP Representatives toward introducing the SAVE Act as a measure against unlawful non-citizen voter registrations. Simultaneously, Senators such as Mike Lee introduced companion bills within the Senate itself.

The SAVE Act stipulates that registrants produce demonstrable proof of U.S. citizenship such as passports or photo IDs with attached evidence or alternative compatible documents like birth certificates along with photo ID cards when enrolling for voting privileges. This Act empowers states with access to federal databases and supporting information applicable in verifying citizenship when required documentation falls short.

Furthermore, this comprehensive act calls upon states to refactor their official voters lists by removing ineligible non-citizens while permitting the Department of Homeland Security to deport those who commit unlawful voting by fraudulent registrations. In instances where election officials may erroneously certify ineligible individuals without adhering to stringent documentation requisites, lawsuits can also be filed against them.

Narratives from America indicate substantial concern stemming from a revealing study by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project – a staggering 10 percent of illegal aliens were uncovered as registered voters through field interviews. A compiled video bearing witness to these shocking interviews can be accessed on X.

These perturbing findings have generated broad public concern, culminating in almost unanimous consensus reflected in a recent study by McLaughlin and Associates: 85.5 percent of respondents declared their firm belief that the privilege of voting in U.S. elections should remain exclusive to confirmed American citizens while 83.4 percent remained adamant regarding the necessity for proof of citizenship as eligibility criteria.

Despite this overwhelming popular support, the Biden administration maintains its rigorous opposition against the SAVE Act, dismissing instances of non-citizen voting registration as extraordinarily rare. Rejecting this groundless argument with real news counterexamples, House Speaker Mike Johnson swiftly countered with glaring evidences where non-implementation of laws had led to pressing issues such as unchecked illegal immigration and felon possession of firearms despite explicit legal prohibitions.

Exposing further discord within governing factions, House Minority Whip Katherine Clark voiced her opinion stating that mandating proof documents at par with those requisitioned for driver’s license renewal would exert excessive burden on countless Americans and therefore urged Democrats casting a “No” ballot on the House bill.

Original article posted by Fox News

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