“Trump’s Missteps on Abortion Stance Stir Apprehension Among Pro-Life Advocates: The Future of GOP’s Pro-Life Agenda in Doubt”

Published on July 11, 2024, 12:54 am

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In the spotlight of the inaugural 2024 presidential debate, amidst all the commentaries concerning President Joe Biden’s hesitant performance, it was a particular set of remarks from former Presiden Donald Trump that stirred up apprehension among pro-life advocates. These statements presaged the recent capitulation by the proposed Republican platform on the contentious issue of abortion.

Trump initiated his argument claiming a universal consensus that regulation of abortion should be devolved to state authorities. This assertion is inaccurate. Following the landmark Roe v. Wade case in 1973, numerous Americans have consistently argued for federal protection for unborn children, embodying principles propagated by figures like Abraham Lincoln and enshrined in our nation’s founding documents – a recognition that inherent rights such as life and liberty are acknowledged at a national level.

Demonstrating this sentiment shortly after Roe v. Wade verdict, Congress received its first Human Life Amendment proposal which would constitutionally recognize fetuses as persons at the federal level. Similarly, legislations aimed at establishing these rights federally have been pursued over time including bills introduced by figures such as libertarian Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) advocating for constitutional amendments amongst other options. Even leaders like Ronald Reagan sought federal safeguarding for unborn children and expressed support for various measures including potential constitutional amendments adding further substance to fact-check claims around Trump’s assertions.

The ex-president compounded his misunderstanding by ineffectively addressing issues regarding access to abortion pills both domestically and within public spaces. Reacting to questions about whether he would deny access to these pharmaceuticals, Trump endorsed Supreme Court’s purported approval of an abortion pill stating he wouldn’t block it. However, his response indicates him being misinformed; Supreme Court didn’t “approve” any such medication.

The court case Trump referred to; FDA vs Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine was about physicians seeking prohibition against FDA allowing extended use of Mifeprex – an abortive pharmaceutical- up until 10 weeks gestation (instead of seven), enabling non-medical practitioners to issue the drug and disposing of requisites for face-to-face consultations. The Supreme Court only ruled that the physicians lacked requisite standing to litigate, but this wouldn’t impede action from a future FDA on these grounds.

Alarmingly, the suggested Republican platform embraces Trump’s flawed history and his relinquishment of pro-life stance. This not only derogates bedrock principles of our nation’s Constitution but also distances today’s GOP ideology from past leaders like Lincoln and Reagan. If GOP National Convention delegates do not contest this ideological shift, pro-life voters are faced with an unpleasant choice reminiscent of William Butler Yeats’ prophecy: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

To transform a culture that is isolated and disheartened, leaders who display an unwavering commitment towards safeguarding life must rise to prominence. As Pope John Paul II emphasized in Detroit in 1987, any great cause attains significance only when human rights are protected; thus preserving innocent life forms a precursor to achieving greatness again- An urgent note both Donald Trump and Republican delegates ought to heed.

Author: Keith Rothfus – a legal professional based close to Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) served as United States Representative for Pennsylvania’s Twelfth Congressional District between 2013 – 2019.

Original article posted by Fox News

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