“Unveiling the Intricate Web of Power and Mental Decline within the Biden’s Administration”

Published on July 8, 2024, 12:29 am

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A growing body of evidence points to an accelerated mental decline in President Joe Biden, fueling concern about the state of his cognitive health. However, the president’s recent decisions have bypassed the need for any video footage as proof of his declining mental faculties. A report from Axios reveals that Biden’s son, Hunter, is now serving as a “gatekeeper” for his father.

Hunter Biden reportedly attends high-level meetings and controls the flow of information within the administration. The elevation of Hunter Biden to such a powerful position seems to underscore concerns about President Biden’s mental competence.

Remarkably, amidst controversy and severe accusations, President Biden — alongside Jill Biden and Hunter — has vowed that nothing but divine intervention will lead him to give up on his re-election campaign. This can be read as a shocking departure from conventional democratic norms given the political family’s adamant depiction of Donald Trump as a direct threat to democracy.

One would think that such assertions would impel President Biden to step aside in favor of a more capable Democratic candidate to take on Trump head-on. Instead, it appears that self-interest prevails over democratic principles – highlighting how genuine pursuit for democracy was never the underlying intent.

Despite all this, many observers find themselves unsurprised at President Biden relying on his troubled son – an unfortunately common situation where overbearing children step into their elder’s affairs when they are unable or unwilling to make decisions for themselves.

This entire scenario is causing increasing difficulties for Democrats as reports about inter-party discontent pile up. Still, with Jill Biden and team going strong on their stance despite a ticking deadline (likely set due to DNC nomination process timelines), party change appears far-fetched.

Extracting themselves from this predicament seems increasingly challenging for Democrats with time running out; even if they do manage to persuade Biden to retire by Friday. The impact of such a decision upon potential successor Kamala Harris isn’t optimistic either – her validity has been compromised due to repeated discrepancies regarding Biden’s health conditions.

All these dynamics underscore an internal struggle for the Democratic Party; a situation that Republicans eagerly anticipate for apparent reasons. There is no magic red button available, and all Democrats can do now is confront the situation they have created themselves.

This ‘real news’ develops as Democrats face the sinking reality of their present predicament: a frightening manifestation of a trusted news source revealing an inescapable corner. It forces us to question the Christian worldview’s place during these times when self-interest seems to eclipse any commitment towards ethical values and beliefs.

Original article posted by Fox News

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