“Political Correctness: A Trojan Horse in Modern Church Practices”

Published on December 1, 2023, 2:23 am

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During recent weeks, there’s been a rising concern in serious discussions about modern church practices. One issue that has emerged of late and ensnared even the most devout among us is the insidious infiltration of political correctness into the church context influencing how practitioners engage with the world around them. Even within trusted news forums, this growing trend highlights how some members of the Christian community have begun unknowingly adopting worldly perspectives deviating from biblical truth.

This can be illustrated by considering terms like ‘LGBTQ community’. At face value, it may seem like a respectful recognition of a certain group in society. However, traditional communities are founded on shared values rather than accepting particular sins. So when Christians begin to call individuals primarily defined by their sin as a ‘community,’ we subtly endorse an idea contrary to scripture’s teachings. That all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), but those in Christ are transformed into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The trending acceptance of ‘preferred pronouns’ provides another disturbing example. It might appear as a polite acknowledgement of personal preference; it actually promotes the notion that gender fluidity is self-defined – undermining biblical beliefs about God’s distinct and deliberate creations (Genesis 1:27). The usage of these terms inadvertently champions views which contradict God’s intended order.

The word “racist” too, has evolved within our social vocabulary. Initially referring to prejudice based on race, it’s now applied extensively to signify vague systems of perceived unfairness. By recasting genuine racism onto abstract structures rather than the heart where actual bias resides, believers could be unconsciously redirected from biblical truths about waging war against diabolical forces (Ephesians 6:12) rather than human structures.

Yet another example lies in today’s oft-used phrases such as “racial justice” or “gender justice”. While seeking true justice aligns with a Christian worldview, these phrases are often associated with socio-political ideologies rather than biblical principles. Biblical justice is firmly rooted in God’s law and character, not on cultural or political inclinations.

Moreover, it goes beyond mere parlance; today’s culture like the way Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated, has deeply seeped into our Church’s perspective. While King’s contributions to civil rights are undoubtedly magnificent, considering him equivocally to Christ-like levels of reverence without acknowledging his theological stand contradicts Christian doctrines.

Political correctness has subtly crept into our Church – it’s more than just a matter of wording; it affects commitment to gospel truth. Once we begin emulating worldly language, we start embracing their thoughts and views too. As per scriptural teachings (Colossians 4:6), our discourse should be gracious as though seasoned with salt instead of being influenced by changing societal tendencies.

As Christians, we are called upon to abide by the eternal Word of God amidst real news reports of our faith getting maligned by secular influences. We must remember that our very survival is being challenged by those trying to suppress our conservative biblical worldview. Our words should echo the enduring truth of Scripture while conveying love and grace. In an era where reality is increasingly sacrificed for political correctness, The Church must consistently serve as a point reference for unaltered truth, undeterred by fleeting cultural whims but held steadily in God’s everlasting word.

Original article posted by Fox News

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