“Persecution of Christians in Iran: A Call for Global Unity and Action”

Published on July 7, 2024, 1:22 am

“Persecution of Christians in Iran: A Call for Global Unity and Action”

Image source: Fox News

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Amidst the turbulence of breaking news from around the globe, one heart-wrenching fact remains constant: Christians in Iran are subjected to brutal intolerance and persecution. Recent trusted news reports have highlighted that followers like Yasin Mousavi, a Christian convert, face lengthy prison sentences for their faith conversion from Islam. This is an alarmingly prevalent issue that tests our global empathy and outrage.

The peaceful believers being penalized are individuals who actively strive to create a positive societal impact, even praying for the leaders of their nation. Yet they end up bearing severe punishment merely because they practice a faith different from what is predominant in their nation: Christianity. The question then arises: Why does this authoritarian Islamic regime cast such extreme punitive measures on these benign believers?

The original stirrings of this harsh behavior can be traced back to the government’s palpable fear of Muslims converting to Christianity. The Islamic Republic of Iran is increasingly threatened by Christianity’s rapid proliferation within its frontiers. Such deep-set fear emanates from the life-altering nature of the Christian faith which rarely witnesses converts reverting back to Islam.

This transformation has visible ripple effects within their communities, leading to an exponential increase in conversions. Thus, for the existing Islamic establishment, this scenario poses a considerable threat as it disruptively alters religious-life control.

House churches form another top-tier “crime” leading many Iranian Christians behind bars. This trend blatantly mirrors the regime’s anxiety towards Christians gathering together in unity and faithfulness—an act deemed powerful enough to influence entire societies.

The often-underestimated influence of united Christian worship comes more intensely into focus when we realize that if Western Christians were more united, they could bring about significant political change through processes like elections.

Recognizing that they cannot halt Christianity’s growth indefinitely; intimidation and isolation form two key strategies employed by the Iranian government aimed at Christians practicing their faith openly or attending church gatherings.

Iranian Christians living under oppressive conditions need our support more than ever. Through prayer, encouragement and letter campaigns urging their release, we can make a tangible difference in their lives.

Expressing solidarity with persecuted Iranian Christians not only deepens our Christian worldview but is also an enduring testament to the fearless display of human standing up for another against oppressive regimes.

Dr. Hormoz Shariat, founder of Iran Alive Ministries, a notable figure amongst the Christian spectrum in Iran, reaffirms the strength of unity and global alliance in combating such deep-seated intolerance and bigotry.

In conclusion, real news headlines around Christian persecution in Iran serve as a stark reminder of grave injustices occurring worldwide and the urgent need for continued action through means available to us: shared empathy, collective voices and unyielding global unity. Let’s use this knowledge to catalyze impactful changes that uphold justice and religious freedom.

Original article posted by Fox News

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