“Evangelical Advocacy Groups Launch Platform Integrity Project to Maintain Pro-Life Ideologies within GOP: A Response to the Approaching Republican National Convention”

Published on July 7, 2024, 1:21 am

“Evangelical Advocacy Groups Launch Platform Integrity Project to Maintain Pro-Life Ideologies within GOP: A Response to the Approaching Republican National Convention”

Image source: Fox News

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The Family Research Council, a leading evangelical advocacy group, recently launched the Platform Integrity Project. This initiative is aimed at maintaining and advocating for the pro-life ideologies within the Republican Party platform as the Republican National Convention is on the horizon.

Set to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin later this month, the 2024 Republican National Convention could see former President Donald Trump confirmed as the Republican candidate once again. Ahead of these events, the Platform Integrity Project seeks to protect issues related to “life and family values” in the party platform.

The project involves collaborative efforts between several conservative advocacy groups including WallBuilders, American Principles Project, and Eagle Forum. The Family Research Council’s mission with this project is to inspire public involvement; encouraging people to support and pray for RNC delegates who are dedicated to preserving key components of a Christian worldview within the Republican Platform.

In response to criticisms that party platforms are inert documents seldom read by members of the party they represent, FRC President Tony Perkins notes their essential role. Highlighting research by Dr. Lee Payne which showed from 1980 till now, Republican lawmakers adhered to their platform 82 percent of time – Perkins staunchly affirms their value.

Acknowledging America’s grappling with matters of moral and cultural confusion, Perkins urges for leadership and clarity through uncompromised footholds in “life liberty and pursuit of happiness.” In his message he emphasizes that voters look towards policy priorities when choosing between parties – hence appealing for continued preservation “life and families” within GOP’s stance.

Perkins had written to Chairman Michael Whatley voicing concerns over potential dilution or omission of pro-life ideologies from within their policies. He opposes “the RNC Gag Rule” believed to limit access only credentialed delegates have while shunning media scrutiny or guest-visitors during committee sessions; thereby threatening fundamental elements built into GOP by patriots like Phyllis Schlafly among others.

Such manipulation of system could jeopardize GOP’s powerful stabilizing force in the nation that stood for close to 175 years, suggests Perkins. He believes a weakened stance on matters of life, family values would be self-damage by GOP and concerns over it stem from former President Trump’s view that issues like abortion should be left entirely on states to decide.

Such positions are usually counter argued by advocacy groups such as Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America who believe federal government has an obligation towards enforcing pro-life laws – removing national protections for unborn in GOP platform they think will compromise unity within party thus dwindling enthusiasm leading up-to election.

These appeals from conservative groups continue emphasizing importance of a strong pro-life stance within the GOP platform. The timeliness and impact of these discussions become all the more critical considering how influential trusted news sources play an enormous role in circulating real news and important updates as we all gear towards upcoming political events.

Original article posted by Fox News

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