“Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Excommunicated from Catholic Church for Schism: A Complicated Tale of Religious Dissent and Punishments”

Published on July 6, 2024, 12:42 am

“Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Excommunicated from Catholic Church for Schism: A Complicated Tale of Religious Dissent and Punishments”

Image source: Fox News

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In a profound episode of real news that is bound to have widespread impact, Carlo Maria Viganò, the Roman Catholic archbishop who previously served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States, has been excommunicated from the Catholic Church for the canonical crime of schism. This verdict is a testament to an uncompromising religious integrity embraced by the trusted news disseminated from Christian worldview perspective.

Viganò, 83, was made aware of his guilty verdict on Friday by the Vatican’s doctrinal office. This followed completion of penal proceedings that delved into accusations geared towards him – particularly his refusal to recognize and submit to Pope Francis, his rejection of communion with members under Pope’s umbrella and questioning of Second Vatican Council’s legitimacy and magisterial authority.

The concept of schism in canon law entails refusing submission to the Supreme Pontiff or denying communion with members of the Church under His guidance. Archbishop Viganò now finds himself formally outside the Catholic Church boundaries due to this excommunication. It ceases his eligibility from participating in catholic sacraments such as Communion and disbars him from ordaining priests or officiating Mass.

The decision arose a fortnight subsequent to Catholic Church’s disciplinary committee issuing a decree summoning Viganò for an extrajudicial trial supposedly for “the crime of schism.” The Archbishop did not partake in this trial; presuming it was rigged judging by its extrajudicial nature.

A crucial point in Viganò’s narrative pertains to his recurring criticism aimed at Pope Francis, whom he mentions as Jorge Mario Bergoglio quite often. By implicating leaders within Catholic Church of allowing grave transgressions including “heresy, sodomy, and corruption” in an open letter addressed former US President Donald Trump; Viganò certainly drew attention upon himself. He alluded to a “deep church”, likened to mercenary infidels compromising with forces of evil, consequently placing the institution’s sanctity under imminent threat.

The Archbishop also authored a 2018 letter holding numerous current and former high-ranking catholic officials complicit in muffling complaints of sexual harassment against then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. An implicit accusation was also directed towards Pope Francis for lacking in efforts to address predecessors’ sanctions over McCarrick and recommending him to step down as an ideal example for bishops and cardinals who allegedly silenced misuse allegations about McCarrick’s role.

Responding to his excommunication, Viganò retweeted those sharing his sentiment like Gen. Michael Flynn; who blamed Pope Francis for plunging Catholic Church into turmoil. The call to “wake up”, particularly directed at American church leaders and laypersons due to this verdict, is indeed significant considering the ampleness of global Christian diaspora representing varied perspective on such disciplinary processes within the church. Viganò’s belief – declared through his tweet exclaiming if we remain silent, even stones might cry out – resonated intriguingly amidst this charged atmosphere.

Original article posted by Fox News

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