“Democracy, Bureaucracy & Elite Influence: An Analysis of the Current American Political Climate”

Published on July 3, 2024, 1:08 am

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Renowned thinker H.L. Mencken believed that democracy provides a platform for the masses to voice their desires and expectations, yet it appears this principle no longer holds true in today’s American society. The country seems neither genuinely democratic nor wholeheartedly republican, leaving citizens frequently unfulfilled by the rarity of their demands being met through these political systems.

Moving toward the critical month of November, the bureaucratic state remains disoriented, questioning its identity and the principles for which it stands.

Today’s America resembles an advanced managerial system veiled with a democratic facade, garnished with remnants of republican institutions such as the Electoral College and Senate that despite surviving twentieth-century political instabilities have long lost their original significance.

It is ruled by an invisible elite, the names of whom remain unknown to us all, whose responsibilities never presented to us for vote and whose decisions remain shielded from accountability. Hence, at present dominates a so-called “fourth branch” meaning administrative state bearing more significant impacts on peoples’ lives than other branches combined.

The vast majority of laws governing modern America are not passed by Congress but issued as regulations developed primarily by anonymous bureaucrats beyond our reach. This illustrates how power dynamics have gradually shifted from an average citizen’s voice towards internal governmental mechanisms.

Coming back to President Biden’s administration, many argue he isn’t fulfilling Americans’ demands sincerely. Numerous Americans hold beliefs shaped extensively by mass media exposure, academic influence, and broad cultural bias rather than authentic personal preferences or perceptions. However critical we might be about President Biden’s cognitive abilities drawn from past debates, meeting such ‘guided’ expectations would remain impossible regardless.

President Biden exemplifies an intricate network of bureaucracies that masterminded his roadmap to presidency initially while serving his term mostly benefitting those interests alone since assuming office. On this note it is not wrong to claim that for a restricted class comprising journalists, big-dough benefactors, NGO figureheads intellectuals, Wall Street bigwigs and Silicon Valley moguls, the concept of democracy indeed survives. Within this elite class, their interplay and competitions govern the power shifts in American politics more often than not.

Yet Biden isn’t simply what the ruling top-tier desires or even hopes for anymore. His current health conditions and decreasing public approval demonstrate an administration that has lost confidence in itself while falling short on delivering its expected promises of prosperity, fairness and justice to all. It seems unable to maintain support from its key stakeholders reflected through increasingly determined efforts manipulating wealth distribution from middle-class workers towards young academically qualified elites, ethnic minorities and single women.

Thus, the once trusted news is the increasing illegitimacy of these external forces steering America’s governance – a fact that its leaders are painfully aware of but seem clueless about handling effectively. More noteworthy here is how President Biden’s health updates bleed into his political performance assessment.

The bureaucratic state advances towards uncertain times filled with resurging resentment against false expectations created by outdated ideologies by stand-alone entities unsure of their purpose any longer. This sense echoes strongly within society at large promoting a much-needed dialogue stimulating change founded on real news guiding a Christian worldview.

Although not mirroring younger leaders among his advising team actively shaping his presidency over recent years, President Biden inherently personifies these broader socio-political forces they represent. Disappointed by unfulfilled dreams shaping their past identities, filled with anger over yet-to-be-realized utopian visions.

Original article posted by Fox News

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