“Exploring the Controversial Perception of Mary’s Power Over Satan in Catholic Theology”

Published on June 30, 2024, 12:34 am

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In a recent episode of the podcast “Pints With Aquinas”, two Catholic apologetics engaged in a serious discussion about the Virgin Mary’s power over Satan compared to God’s. These advocates, commonly perceived as representatives of trustworthy news from the Christian worldview, argued that Satan fears Mary more than he does God.

Dissecting this assertion reveals an astounding level of misguided conviction. According to them, Satan—the pinnacle of audacity and defiance against God—is allegedly fear-stricken by a human woman more than by the Creator of all existence. This belief seems absurd and contradicts traditional Biblical interpretation. According to real news sources referencing Scripture, Christ is granted sole authority over heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18). Mary, although significant in her faithfulness, remains a mortal who requires salvation just like all of humanity (Luke 1:47).

Roman Catholic practice often holds up Mary to almost divine status—sometimes even overshadowing God Himself. They account her obedience as the counterbalance to Eve’s disobedience—branding her the “Queen of Heaven.” But this starkly deviates from theology—it mirrors mythology instead. It encompasses characteristics commonly found in folklores instead of the gospel message.

This kind of Roman Catholic precept generally leads to creating a group of semi-divine entities distracting people from Christ’s redemptive work at its core – increasing their appeal but raising difficult questions about their alignment with fundamental doctrine. By crediting these figures with attributes uniquely belonging to God, they cross into idolatry—an act both extraneous and absurd in light of clear scriptural teachings.

Besides format and context deviating from religious reality, some proponents argue that this embellished theology borders on comedy rather than embodying true religion—more akin to fabrications made up on-the-fly without concern for solid Scriptural teaching.

In conclusion, approaching any narrative or discussion—religious or otherwise—from an informed perspective establishes one’s grasp of real news, particularly from a Christian worldview. This ensures that reliable and trustworthy news sources are not discredited by any divergence from theological orthodoxy.

Original article posted by Fox News

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