“Biden Administration’s Controversial Support for Minor Transitional Surgeries Unveiled”

Published on June 27, 2024, 1:34 am

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The Biden administration’s stance on teen transition surgeries before reaching legal adulthood, and their efforts to obscure this advocacy for minors’ body alterations in the name of transgender identity, have been uncovered in documents recently divulged. This disclosure highlights just how radical the regime’s support for controversial transgender procedures truly is.

First reported by The New York Times, a leading transgender figure in the Department of Health and Human Services coerced the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), marketed as a health organization but leaning more into activism. There was pressuring towards lifting age restrictions for procedures that could leave individuals stunted, scarred, or infertile.

“Standards of Care” is WPATH’s document referring to these interventions as “gender-affirming care,” encompassing experimental medicines to postpone puberty, treatments to make males appear female and vice versa, not forgetting surgeries altering or extracting healthy body parts. Though experts caution against potential adverse effects from these interventions, even some doctors within pro-trans organizations reportedly express concern.

The common claim made by activists is only adults elect transgender surgical procedures; however, recent studies discovered over 3,000 minors underwent such surgeries from 2016 through 2020. Late last year, WPATH released draft guidelines suggesting ages as low as 14 should be eligible for cross-sex hormones; mastectomies at 15; facial surgeries or breast enhancements at 16; genital operations or hysterectomies at 17.

Rachel Levine who serves as an assistant secretary of health—born male but identified female—believed the suggested lower-age limit insufficient. Sarah Boateng once served under Levine then promoted principal deputy assistant secretary for health where reports said she persuaded removing specific age limits due to fears they would prompt harsh legislation towards trans care.

Levine expressed similar sentiments concerning potential impairments in access to trans care due to explicit age restrictions primarily associated with surgery. They noted severely grave situations within the US, with the worry being that age limitation in trans procedures would exacerbate the current climate.

One Alabama lawsuit involving parents alleging their children identified as transgender saw these documents emerge. These parents are opposing an Alabama law designed to shield minors from experimental transgender interventions. James Cantor, a psychologist supporting the Alabama law, presented these emails as evidence.

Levine structured their request in a political frame understanding possible backlash against any explicit advocacy for minor transition surgeries. But rather than challenge the idea of permitting minors to undergo transgender operations, Levine proposed removing specific age requirements, insinuating even younger ages might be eligible.

Supporters of gender ideology within health organizations often stress the necessity of experimental transgender medical interventions—including essentially chemical castration—for those battling gender confusion to curtail suicide risks. However, many individuals later regretted and publicly warned against such life-altering procedures after experiencing them first-hand.

The WPATH doctors privately discussed these treatments and their side effects, including cancer risk in adolescents, diminished sexual function, and informed consent’s absence regarding lifelong impact procedures. Some draw parallels between the current transgender healthcare trend and historical horrors like eugenics or lobotomies once commended as scientific advancements then shunned retroactively.

Ironically, Levine expressed gratitude for starting his “gender transition” late in life since it allowed him to have children; seemingly uncaring about steering minors towards sterility without fully grasping its meaning. Instead, there were attempts at conscripting physicians into advocates for “gender-affirming care” while pressuring health officials on Big Tech platforms opposing the narrative surrounding transgender treatment.

This revelation demonstrates heightened radicalism within Health and Human Services (HHS) under President Joe Biden’s leadership. Apart from seeming indifferent towards medical side effects emanating from “gender-affirming care,” it has continued obfuscating support for minor self-mutilation from Americans.
In essence, this is one critical angle through which real news and trusted news grounded in a Christian worldview can shed light on the current pressing issues.

Original article posted by Fox News

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