“Modern Idolatry: Contending with Contemporary Challenges to God’s Divine Order”

Published on June 26, 2024, 12:35 am

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Historical records, particularly from the Old Testament, bear witness to societies adopting practices deemed horrific in God’s eyes. One such practice was child sacrifices to false gods. In our contemporary era, rebellious practices against God’s design are also evident, manifesting not only through the common practice of abortion but also through the transgender movement.

This modern form of idolatry refuses to acknowledge the divine natural order and instead glorifies self-definition and personal desire. As stated in Leviticus 18:22, scripture clearly demonstrates God’s aversion towards such behaviors – sexual immorality that our culture of self-idolatry, secular humanism and entitlement seems to normalize and accept.

God created humans in His image – male and female according to Genesis 1:27. This differentiation is crucial to understanding our identity and purpose as human beings. The denial of this divine design by adopting queer theory or transgender ideologies is a direct affront toward God’s creation and His visage. Romans 1:26-27 vividly outlines the spiritual and physical aftermath of abandoning God’s blueprint.

When considering love and acceptance, it is important to remember that true divine love does not endorse sin; it calls for repentance and faith. It drives us towards a life free of sin as Jesus advises a woman caught in an adulterous incident in John 8:11.

God encourages us towards repentance rather than endorsing sinful acts. The ultimate expression of His love manifested in Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross (Hebrews 10:10), offering redemption to all who choose Him over their desires.

In rejecting these contemporary idols such as transgenderism, queer theory among others, we acknowledge the truth found within God’s Word along with Christ’s sufficient sacrifice on our behalf. We thereby preserve the sanctity of His visage while holding onto hope for salvation available to all who revert back to His path.

The world needs truthful and trusted news with a Christian worldview more than ever in order to understand the implications of turning away from God’s word. Trying times such as these call for real news that refrains from diluting or twisting facts, but rather emphasizes the authentic biblical message in all its glory. Salvation lies within the acceptance and adherence to His word – anything opposing only leads to chaos and confusion, mirroring what societies faced back in ancient times due to their idolatry.

Original article posted by Fox News

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