“Modern Societal Movements as Challenges to God’s Design: An Examination of Abortion, Transgenderism, and Biblical Principles”

Published on June 25, 2024, 12:31 am

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In the narratives of the Old Testament, one can find many instances where societies adopted practices considered detestable by God. These include the sacrifice of children to false gods and a plethora of idol worships. Today, the spirit of rebellion against God’s design continues to thrive, albeit in different forms. Shockingly prevalent among them is “abortion”, seen by many as a modern variant of child sacrifice. Concurrently, we are witnessing an unsettling rise in the transgender movement, equated by some with a cult-like religious movement.

The recent surge in movements like transgenderism represent alarming deviations from traditional norms that have defined societies for generations. At their root lies an audacious rejection of divine order and an over-glorification of personal desires and self-definition.

Scriptures too caution us against such deviations, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” – Leviticus 18:22. Sadly though, our culture appears inclined towards gratifying individual needs and desires above all else. Sexual liberalism has been normalized and accepted much like ancient idolatry practices under new guises.

Our faith reminds us that humans were created in God’s image, both male and female – Genesis 1:27. This is fundamental to human identity and existence. The introduction of queer theory and transgender ideologies undermines this divine construct. Consequently, these divergent ideologies can be seen as direct assaults on creation itself – something deeply disapproved by God.

Romans 1:26-27 reiterates God’s aversion to such actions, explaining that those who reject His path are condemned to dishonourable passions and unnatural relations leading ultimately to degradation and dishonour – Romans 1:26-27.

This examination goes on to explain how sexual immorality bears severe spiritual as well as physical consequences closely akin to those faced by ancient societies given their penchant for idol worship.

However, what about inclusion and love? The true love of God calls for repentance, not affirmation of sin. It doesn’t endorse attendance at gay marriages or participation in pronoun hospitality; it promotes faith and penitence. This fundamental essence of the gospel is captured vividly in John 8, where Jesus, addressing an adulterous woman, tells her to “go and sin no more.” – John 8:11.

God’s boundless love encourages repentance rather than condoning sin. Hebrews 10:10 reveals that our sanctification comes through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ – a perfect and all-sufficient offering for our redemption – Hebrews 10:10.

Belief in concepts such as transgenderism and queer theory exhibits mistrust in God’s design. Instead, trust should be placed entirely in oneself without surrendering one’s identity to worldly gods on bogus altars. Accepting this truth brings affirmation to the undiluted message of God’s Word while acknowledging the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice.

In these trying times characterized by widespread deviation from biblical principles, upholding these truths becomes indispensable given a world desperate for trusted news rooted in a Christian worldview. Scripture reminds us all to serve someone or something – may we choose wisely whom we shall serve.

Original article posted by Fox News

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