“US Supreme Court to Consider Challenge to Tennessee’s Ban on Transgender Health Services for Minors”

Published on June 25, 2024, 12:31 am

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The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear a challenge to Tennessee’s prohibition of certain medical services for transgender children. In this breaking news, the court will consider an appeals court verdict that supports the state’s ban on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender surgery for minors. The hearing will commence in its next term which is slated to commence in October and conclude by June the following year.

This decision could potentially ripple into policy changes extending beyond just Tennessee as it could impact similar bans on these specified transgender health interventions targeting minors, prevalent in over 20 Republican-led states. This case reiterates the Supreme Court’s previous engagement with rulings impacting trans-identifying minors as evidenced by an April ruling where Idaho was granted permission to enforce its ban on transgender medical treatments for minor; exceptions were made for two teenagers involved in a lawsuit against the law.

However, past scenarios also highlight instances wherein the high court has opted to not get involved with such culturally divisive issues. The plaintiffs involved in the Tennessee case involve trans-identifying teens and their families who argue that the state’s ban infringes upon constitutionally protected rights, specifically those delineated under the 14th Amendment which mandates equal treatment under law.

They posit that they are being unfairly barred from accessing specific medical treatments freely available to others thus highlighting discriminatory practices. An additional point of contention is alleged violation of parental rights wherein parents should be allowed autonomy when making vital healthcare decisions pertaining to their children.

Federal appeals courts have so far been divided regarding whether or not these prohibitions of transgender healthcare interventions targeting children stand as constitutional violations.

In this particular instance involving Tennessee, an initial blockade of the ban was established by a federal district judge. Later modifications by the 6th Circuit Court consolidated this case with another one emanating from Kentucky, leading to a joint-ruling favouring the bans.

Reflecting upon this issue, Jeffrey Sutton from 6th Circuit stated “This is a relatively new diagnosis with ever-shifting approaches to care over the last decade or two. Under these circumstances, it is difficult for anyone to be sure about predicting the long-term consequences of abandoning age limits of any sort for these treatments.”

The Biden administration has subsequently appealed against Tennessee and encouraged the Supreme Court to conduct a hearing regarding this case, addressing an urgent need for clarity due to increasing confusion among federal courts resulting in profound uncertainty.

Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones come with grave health consequences. Puberty blockers can impact bone growth and density besides causing sexual dysfunction, voice damage and infertility amongst other concerns. Cross-sex hormones can cause infertility, deadly blood clots, heart attacks, increased risks of breast and ovarian cancer, liver dysfunction, intensifying psychological disorders along with a myriad of other severe conditions. Similarly, gender surgeries like phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, and double mastectomy are irreversible procedures that often invite serious complications.

Original article posted by Fox News

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