“Revisiting Abstinence until Marriage: A Trend or Historical Virtue?”

Published on June 25, 2024, 12:30 am

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In a surprising twist of events, people have begun to revisit the values that were once associated with a Christian worldview and are now increasingly advocating for abstinence until marriage. A case in point is the Clinton administration, which only months into Bill Clinton’s second term, announced a major initiative to fund abstinence-only sex education. Launched in 1997, the program emphasized that premarital sex could potentially result in harmful psychological and physical effects and upheld abstinence as the expected standard of human behavior.

This emphasis on sexual restraint was widespread and favored across political lines during those times. Republicans and Democrats found common ground, agreeing on the premise that hookup culture could propagate diseases and lead to unhappiness among people. An endorsement of these principles can be seen in reports from CNN showcasing the effectiveness of abstinence-oriented education as recently as 2010.

However, perspectives altered over time. Later reports emerging from sites like CNN contradicted previous positions by labeling abstinence-only education as not evidence-based. Around 2010, under Obama’s tenure, federal funding for such programs started diminishing until President Trump revived them somewhat later on.

Through all these fluctuations in perspective regarding sexual conduct norms, one faction remained unyielding – Christian conservatives holding steadfastly onto their belief system emphasizing chastity before marriage. Their stance was rooted in Scripture, historical patterns spanning thousands of years, and mere common sense.

Ironically though, critics who derided this camp are now exhibiting signs of aligning with them albeit with caveats attached. More young people are choosing celibacy before marriage but with motives far distanced from spiritual adherence or prescriptive religion-based societal norms.

An article by New York Magazine’s The Cut underscored an increasing trend among young people toward celibacy; a position echoed by numerous other publications including Vogue and The Independent. In fact, recent data suggests a significant increase amongst 21-to-30-year-olds choosing celibacy between 2008 and 2020, with males showing a more prominent skew towards this trend.

However, this surge in celibacy seems interspersed with various complexities. In many cases, it manifests as an act of resignation instead of strategic choice, driven by disheartenment about failing to find substantial love and commitment. Moreover, the rising trend of celibacy for political statements brings forth its own lineup of convolutions.

While these trends showcase how individuals are rediscovering the merits of abstaining from sexual indulgence prior to marriage, they fall short in acknowledging the Christian conservatives who have long championed these values. If they fail to realise that celibacy isn’t just a modern trend or political statement but rooted in historical wisdom and virtues of dignity, love, commitment and chastity, their satisfaction is likely transient.

Hence, it’s time we acknowledge and learn from the insights offered by those adhering to a Christian worldview that has been advocating abstinence until marriage long before it emerged as trendy. After all, quality insights are the essence of trusted news making real news also a nugget of timeless wisdom.

Original article posted by Fox News

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