“Degeneration of the Church: A Lingering Crisis of Modern Secularism Replacing Christian Values”

Published on June 24, 2024, 12:35 am

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In light of the prevailing societal changes, there have been recent reports of worship institutions sanctioning and even encouraging drag performances within their sacred precincts. This disheartening development indicates a drastic degeneration of what once served as a pillar for moral and righteous living – the Church.

Judging from history, it might be safe to say that never before has the Church been so accepting and celebratory of sexual immorality. More unsettling is that this phenomenon precisely aligns with the description given by Paul in 1 Corinthians 5 when addressing sexual immorality within a church as being almost unthinkable among pagans.

The irony is palpable when one observes these modern-day churches. They morph into entities that bear no resemblance to their original sacred disposition, yet they confidently identify themselves with Christ’s name. However, this version of Christ they present is distorted: an over-indulgent persona who willingly turns a blind eye towards sin, sexual perversion, and blasphemy.

This unfortunate state did not emerge suddenly. Its inception can be traced back to multiple leaders’ lack of courage in making strong decisions based on Biblical principles. Over time, this kind of leadership gave in to cultural influences which resultantly permitted secular ideologies to creep into and pollute the Church. The resulting effect was an increasing acceptance for practices that outrightly contradict Scripture such as women taking on pulpits – often perceived as a step towards apostasy or abandoning one’s faith.

The rapid decline witnessed within church circles has been accelerated further by this newfound tolerance for false doctrines under the guise of being “progressive” or “inclusive”. Many modern-day churches now welcome all types of distortions to the gospel truth ranging from prosperity theology to social gospel theology while also incorporating external societal beliefs against stable Christian Worldviews.

God’s perspective on such blunt apostasy is unequivocally severe. The pages of Scripture are filled with instances highlighting His wrath against those who dare tarnish His name. His rebuke to the church in Thyatira for tolerating Jezebel, resulting in believers being led into sexual immorality and idolatry, is a stark reminder of His justice.

Regrettably, the church today exists in a state of clear rebellion against God’s commandments by replacing gospel truth with secular lies. In reality, worship is no longer sacred as it once was, but has instead transformed into staged drag performances executed and celebrated within their premises.

God’s judgement on these acts that ultimately desecrate his divine reputation cannot be overstated. As found in Ezekiel 22:26-31, he vehemently condemns priests who fail to distinguish between holy and ordinary things. His wrath inevitably envelops those who claim allegiance to Him yet blatantly flout his commandments — a sobering fact for present-day churches.

The current condition presents a dire challenge: either turn away from these practices or face the flame of God’s judgement. Present indications suggest an imminent divine reckoning upon the Church considered increasingly unfaithful due to their stark departure from traditional Christian values towards wholesale abandonment of faith.

This disastrous trade-off between gospel truth and modern secularism underlines the urgent call for staunch adherence to Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” It serves as an uncompromising statement against deviation from Truth and upholds the supremacy of authentic evangelical teachings within Christianity which resist corruption by external influences.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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