“Trump Pledges to Tackle Anti-Christian Bias and Uphold Pro-life Advocacy if Reelected”

Published on June 23, 2024, 12:34 am

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The former president, Donald Trump, has announced intentions to institute a task force aimed at tackling anti-Christian bias if reelected. This pledge comes amid reports of federal arrests directed towards pro-life activists, an act that Trump attributes to the present President Joe Biden’s manipulation of the Justice Department.

Presenting his views during the 15th annual Road to Majority Conference held by the Faith and Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C., Trump revealed plans for this proposed body which would commit itself to probe into all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and persecution faced by Christians in America. He believes this issue is so prominent it scarcely seems like America anymore.

Trump spotlighted the case of Paulette Harlow as a prime example—A 75-year-old woman sentenced to a two-year prison term after being found guilty of breaching the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act), due simply to singing outside an abortion clinic. Harlow felt privileged standing up in court for unborn children who cannot speak up for themselves.

Despite critiques from Trump and others, Biden’s administration continues to uphold its stand that FACE Act exists primarily for safeguarding women’s health and safety wishing to undergo an abortion.

Addressing an animated crowd chanting slogans in his support, Trump touched upon numerous issues such as border crisis, economic inflation, crime rates as well as highlighting his own legal predicaments that he insists are unfounded.

In anticipation of his upcoming debate with Biden ahead of Presidential elections, he took the opportunity to underscore comparison between thriving economy under his governance and perceived struggling state currently under Biden. His problematic felony conviction last month has also surfaced as a vital point in campaigning agenda for Biden.

Demonstrating strong views regarding abortion laws in America—a stark contrast with targeted prosecution against pro-life activists—Trump reasoned why he firmly stands behind letting states decide upon these policies instead of centralized federal control. Exceptionally happy about the three Supreme Court judges he appointed successfully voting to abolish the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which made abortion legal across country, Trump believes this gives pro-life advocates a much-sought victory on their 49-year-old battle.

Remarking Democrats’ aversion towards letting local citizens make informed decisions on this topic, Trump expressed concerns that starkly liberal laws could follow if left unopposed, infringing upon rights of unborn children massively. His reference regarding “execute” clearly hinted at former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s alleged support for similar stance allowing direct termination of lives even beyond late-stage abortions.

Emphasizing on his pro-life orientation subject to exceptions such as imminent danger to mother’s life or instances of rape or incest, Trump passionately urged all attendees and voters to let their heart guide them in making right choice and helping him get reelected.

In a surprising move, Trump appeared at the event despite advice from his campaign staff inclined towards cancellation due to an overlapping rally schedule in Philadelphia. Addressing largely Christian audience members there, he candidly expressed that more Christians need to practice their voting rights despite not seeming to frequent voting booths usually.

Thus, breaking news suggests greater emphasis will be directed towards real news highlighting Christian worldview in future owing to increased plans towards detection and elimination of anti-Christian bias under potential second term presidency of Donald Trump.

Original article posted by Fox News

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