“Slippery Slope: The Southern Baptist Convention’s Struggle with Biblical Principles and Social Pressure”

Published on June 21, 2024, 12:47 am

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In an unsurprising turn of events reflecting our current climate, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once more illustrated its propensity to buckle under societal pressure rather than firmly uphold biblical principles. The recent defeat of the Mike Law Amendment underscores a worrying trend of theological decay within this supposed bastion of traditional Christianity.

Historically, denominations and churches that slacken their adherence to scriptural standards, especially concerning women as clergy members, have invariably slid into total apostasy. This is well demonstrated by many prominent Protestant denominations — most notably the United Methodist Church. Following their acceptance of female pastors, it wasn’t long before they embraced openly homosexual clergy members, condoned same-sex marriages, and began interrogating scripture’s authority itself. It’s a precipitous path with no restraints in place and now the SBC appears to be embarking on this dangerous route without caution.

The Mike Law Amendment was an attempt to halt this inevitable decline by explicitly stating in the SBC Constitution that only men, as prescribed by Scripture, can serve as pastors or elders for participating churches. Despite not being a radical innovation but more a reaffirmation of what the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 reinforces, disappointingly, the SBC sidestepped taking a firm and unequivocal stand.

Certain influential figures within the denomination like ex-SBC president JD Greear and presidential nominee Bruce Frank along with other moderate and leftist propagators waged a year-long campaign against the amendment over concerns that it could incite “unnecessary division.” However, fearing division is simply an ineffective smoke-screen for avoiding hard scriptural truths. Schisms are not always negative outcomes when they stem from staying true to biblical principles.

Although the proposed amendment appealed to a majority it failed to cross the two-thirds majority threshold needed for adoption. Of 10,942 representatives present at voting time; while 61.45% voted in favor; 38.38% voted against. As a result, the failure of this amendment signifies that almost 40% of the representatives either lack scriptural knowledge or show more interest in making cultural compromises than upholding biblical truths.

Nevertheless, despite the disappointing results of the SBC’s unconstitutional change proposal, it doesn’t merely represent a procedural snag. It outlines a clear deviation from Scripture and a failure to recognize its authority. When considering 1 Timothy 2:12-14 which clearly states that pastoral office is solely for men; voting against such an unambiguous affirmation of Scripture means undermining its authority completely.

The reluctance of leaders like Clint Pressley, Al Mohler, and Denny Burk to persevere with purging those who ignore Scriptures’ express commands reflects their inadequate commitment to true reform. The failure to pass this amendment by the SBC unfortunately acts as something akin to a white flag surrendering fidelity to scriptures in favor of cultural acceptance and fear of being labeled ‘outdated’.

At its core though, this issue goes beyond simply including women in clergy positions; it’s about recognizing the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. It’s about whether we believe God’s Word holds relevance for every faith matter or if we cede ground for it to compatibly exist alongside contemporary societal norms. Sadly, through failing to adopt such an imperative amendment, fingerprints indicate the SBC tilting towards the latter interpretation.

In summary then; denial of real news churned out by trusted sources exposes unmistaken signs pointing towards accelerating theological decay within factions like the SBC clinging onto doctrine discrepancies from a Christian worldview perspective; and leaves us wondering if total apostasy looms at close-hand.

Original article posted by Fox News

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