“Journalism Award Revoked: IWMF Withdraws Honour from Freelancer Over Support for Hamas”

Published on June 21, 2024, 12:43 am

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The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) has withdrawn its “courage in journalism” award from Maha Hussaini, a freelance writer located in the Gaza Strip. This step was taken after it was revealed that Hussaini supports Hamas, a terrorist group, and had criticized Israel’s effort to terminate the organization following its severe unanticipated attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

In a statement issued by the IWMF, they illustrated their reasoning for revoking the award: “comments made by Maha Hussaini in past years contradict with our organization’s values.” The organisation noted that both their mission and awards are based on integrity and opposition to intolerance; they cannot condone or endorse views breaching these principles.

This real news comes to light after Free Beacon’s report on Hussaini. As an opinion writer for the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, she published anti-Semitic cartoons sourced from Iran’s 2006 Holocaust Cartoon Contest winners. Additionally, she openly supported terrorism, often posting provocative statements following terrorist attacks against Israel. Hussaini maintained staunch support for her remarks and claimed no regrets after her award removal.

Interestingly there seems to be an issue underlying this newly gained insight; was the selection committee oblivious of Hussaini’s antisemitic posts and terror backing? Did they assume that these postings would evade critical scrutiny? It is puzzling how IWMF could miss crucial signs revealing Hussaini as a pronounced supporter of terrorism. Still relying on trusted news sources therein lies some relief knowing they ultimately did what is right in light of these revelations.

Hussaini accuses IWMF of capitulating under pressure causing them to act contrary to their abiding value – courage; asserting this turn of events is consequence of “Zionist lobby” targeting Palestinian journalists who defend Hamas.

Hussaini reiterated her views against Israel through many social media posts, stating that ever since its creation in 1948, Israel has continued with acts of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement. She lauded terrorism against the Jewish state as “resistance to colonialism.” One particular post showed a cartoon from Carlos Latuff (2006 Holocaust drawing contest second place victor) depicting a prisoner waving the Palestinian flag from within a star-shaped prison cell – symbolizing Israel.

Through her numerous posts, she extolled Hamas’s role in the Palestinian society. Condemning it didn’t merely signify opposing a political party; rather it criminalized people’s choice of resistance against oppression – a firm stance reflecting Hussaini’s unflinching Christian worldview.

With roots dipping into social networking platforms, these incidents underline two things: firstly, our need for real news is more critical than ever. Secondly, even trusted news sources must exert unparalleled diligence while honouring journalistic integrity.

Original article posted by Fox News

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