“Rising Progressive Ideologies Cause Internal Turmoil in the Southern Baptist Convention”

Published on June 20, 2024, 1:09 am

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The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), a prominent figure in American Christianity, is currently facing internal turmoil due to the rising influence of progressive ideologies. This conflict is primarily embodied by a schism created by several SBC churches’ dual membership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) – an organization that has strayed significantly from biblical principles.

The CBF came into existence in the early 1990s as reactionary force against the Conservative Resurgence within the SBC. The Resurgence was geared towards returning the SBC back to its roots of strict adherence to biblical veracity and conservative theology. On the other hand, since its inception, the CBF has gradually gravitated towards more liberal theological principles.

The CBF’s actions diverge starkly from Christian orthodoxy and reveal an apparent concurrence with secular progressive agenda that are growing increasingly dominant in society. The recent actions include embracing discussions about ordaining women pastors, exhibiting acceptance towards sexual minorities, and even advocating for abortion rights.

Jonathan Howe’s church is one such example among many Southern Baptist churches that are aligned both with SBC and CBF. Howe served as former Executive Committee president. His involvement with both parties implies his tacit approval of ideologies that diametrically refute biblical teachings.

Jonathan Howe formerly held office as acting CEO of SBC while also participating in activities of CBF. This points out an inherent contradiction as he was partaking in an entity which was essentially opposed to God while leading a denomination committed to serving God.

This lack of judgment signifies a gross compromise on biblical principles which they claim to uphold – very much like tolerating Jezebel Spirit within the body representing Christ here on Earth. As Revelation 2:20-23 warns us, tolerating deceptive teachings can lead God’s believers astray.

These progressive tendencies embedded within people like Jonathan Howe signify weak areas challenging integrity within denominations such as SBC. It reminds us that Satan doesn’t only strike from outside; he often sows seeds of discord within the church, gnawing away at truth’s foundations with destructive lies.

At present, the Christian community is witnessing a spate of institutions and figures moving towards more liberal beliefs. However, in times like these where news regarding Christianity are changing rapidly, one can rely on real and trusted news outlets that offer information grounded in Christian values to maintain a faithful Christian worldview.

It’s crucial to depend on news platforms that provide accurate news while staying rooted firmly in Christian faith amidst rapidly evolving societal norms. Only then can Christians chart their course confidently through this challenging period.

Original article posted by Fox News

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