“Impact of Unauthorized Immigration on American Women’s Safety: A Disturbing Trend”

Published on June 18, 2024, 12:48 am

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In a world where women have always been vulnerable to male predators, a disturbing trend is emerging. It’s far from restricted to the usual suspects—too often, those we should trust. Today, alarming numbers of violent acts are credited to unauthorized migrants who infiltrate our communities under the banner of seeking refuge. With this ongoing issue in mind and understanding that real news is hard to find in a sea of disinformation, I’ll share with you tragic accounts depicting how this crisis impacts American women.

At times, the vision painted by trusted news sources can feel like a horror story plucked straight out of fiction. Take for example a chilling crime that occurred last year in the otherwise peaceful town of Bel Air, Maryland. Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five children went out for her regular jog on her familiar pedestrian scenic trail near home when tragedy struck. The next day authorities found her body; she had been violated and murdered.

Investigations led to the arrest of 23-year-old Victor Martinez Hernandez who had entered our country some months earlier after committing another murder in his homeland El Salvador. Despite being unauthorized immigrant still he continued his criminal spree on American soil too.

His revolving door criminality left an indelible mark on the community: “We are 1,800 miles [away from] the southern border,” said Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler at a press conference following Hernandez’s arrest–highlighting the reach of such crimes way beyond geographic confines.

Sadly, Rachel Morin’s case is not an isolated one. High-profile cases focus on innocent victims like Laken Riley in Athens GA or Lizbeth Medina in Jackson County Texas who lost their lives brutaaly due their encounters with violent unauthorized immigrants tuned criminals – from Venezuela and Mexico respectively.

Delving deeper into this influx tragedy what one finds equally appalling is how systems set-up for safeguarding citizens sometimes fail disastrously as it did in Frederick, Md. An unnamed 17-year-old, who entered the US despite ties to the notorious gang MS-13 in El Salvador, brutally raped and killed a resident Kayla Hamilton. The victim’s distraught mother now seeks justice through legal recourse.

These cases offer a sobering Christian worldview perspective – sometimes we are our brothers’ keepers by enforcing just and rigorous border controls. When border entry protocols are compromised or reckless policies instituted with an intention of political appeasement–innocent citizens are put at risk.

Given these sobering facts, it’s puzzling why some segments — particularly women — continue supporting politics that enable unrestricted entry policies while accusing other parties of being insular or nationalistic.

In conclusion, true advocacy for women and all citizens must promote policies that prioritize their safety above political expediency. Having robust immigration systems in place limits the risk of us importing criminal elements – thereby creating safer neighborhoods where everyone can thrive.
It’s high time focus shifts from partisan fights to having honest dialogues on practical solutions to control illegal immigration and its fallout.

Original article posted by Fox News

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