“Interpreting Pride Month Through the Lens of Christianity: A Reflection on Diversity, Self-Worship and Biblical Teachings”

Published on June 17, 2024, 12:47 am

“Interpreting Pride Month Through the Lens of Christianity: A Reflection on Diversity, Self-Worship and Biblical Teachings”

Image source: Fox News

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June, known as Pride Month, is an apt time to reflect on the divine purpose of diversity. A crucial point to establish at the outset is God’s deep appreciation for diversity – a concept we see manifest in The Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis chapter 11.

Although some regard this incident as a negative biblical event where God dispersed the world’s population due to their egoistic intentions of self-glorification rather than exalting Him, it also produced a positive outcome that often goes unnoticed. It resulted in the scattered people inadvertently creating diverse languages and cultures, transforming into different societies across the globe. This incident suggest that even what mankind intended for negativity, God turned into a conduit for good, providing man with an opportunity to be humble.

However, looking at the pride month celebrations and flags, it does strike me that our multifaceted society has once again shifted toward self-worship instead of glorifying God. There’s an inherent paradox in people waving rainbow flags; the rainbow represents God’s assurance never to devastate Earth with a worldwide flood as a judgement for human transgressions. Yet those embracing pride ideologies are unconsciously endorsing viewpoints on relationships, sexuality, and marriage contrary to biblical teachings while flaunting forgiveness’ symbol gifted to us post-flood by God.

Indeed these anti-biblical sentiments towards matrimony and sexuality are selfish and sinful. However, if individuals from within the pride community were to repent, they would better represent the true essence of the rainbow emblem which they have adopted.

God profoundly cherishes His diverse creation designed solely to honor Him. And Revelation 2:9 echoes this sentiment beautifully describing a large multitude from every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages standing before His throne dressed in white robes holding palm branches- illustrating God’s ideal purpose for human diversity on Earth.

It doesn’t specify anywhere that individuals should willingly disobey His commandments irrespective of their country or culture or race. God deeply cares for His creation, especially the men and women He has created in His likeness to serve as His world ambassadors.

During His second coming, we will all gather together celebrating His sacrifice – death, burial, resurrection – that made our salvation possible. I eagerly anticipate seeing individuals who have left the pride community at this multicultural festivity described in Revelation positioned before God’s throne.

Cody Strawser, an Ohio-based writer endeavors to disseminate the Gospel and accomplish the Great Commission through his writings.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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