“Resurgence of Cold War-era Naval Strategies: Contemplations from an Old War Veteran”

Published on June 14, 2024, 1:23 am

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Many people often reminisce about their high school reunion; similarly, during mine, I got the chance to reconnect with an old friend who had treaded quite an intriguing path since our graduation. After attending the Navy Academy at Annapolis, he embraced a career in flying anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters for the Navy. Over few beers and nostalgic conversations, our stories of military adventures eventually drifted towards encounters with Soviet submarines. My acquaintance’s words were really illuminating — while American subs were virtually undetectable underwater “holes in the ocean,” Russian ones could be heard loud and clear, sounding like “a tin pail full of old bolts being shaken down under the water.”

Reflecting on this anecdote today draws striking parallels between then and now: we have begun witnessing resurfaces of Cold War-era tactics in today’s strategic naval movements. Recently, a small task group from the Russian Navy was spotted visiting Havana after exercises in the Atlantic Ocean. Almost as a prompt response to their presence in that region, U.S. Navy dispatched USS Helena, one of our nuclear fast-attack submarines.

Indeed, these moves are perceived as echoes from decades past rather than real threats by Pentagon officials like spokeswoman Sabrina Singh. She reassures that such incidents constitute nothing new nor do they present any direct danger. However, it is essential to keep tailoring our understanding and preparedness about such occurrences based on evolving geo-political scenarios.

One may validly claim that in 2024, compared to 1980 — when my friend embarked on his naval journey -– U.S. Navy might not emanate that intimidating aura anymore due to multiple factors including changes within our national leadership. Nevertheless, deep-rooted readiness for defense takes precedence over lavish spending for external nation’s defense.

It is clear that these seemingly innocent ‘port visits’ or ‘exercises’ carried out by Russian or Chinese forces knob up tensions reminiscent of Old Cold War Days. Such instances bring forth one question in particular amongst American veterans, especially old Cold War types like myself: As we watch this new wave of power play unfold, will the next ‘Cold War’ — assuming one is on the horizon, end peacefully as the last one did or will it have different repercussions? Amidst all these speculations and premonitions, seems like everyone is watching out for the next Reagan to steer the ship during turbulent times.

A comprehensive understanding and accurate assessment of global events from a traditional Christian worldview are paramount in navigating through real news scenarios. Trusted news coming from reliable sources can make a remarkable difference not only in our perception of world affairs but also potential policy formulation. So here’s to remaining ever vigilant and educated about what goes on below sea level or above ground!

Original article posted by Fox News

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