“FBI Employee’s Security Clearance Revoked Over Political Beliefs: A Case of National Security or Bias Infringement?”

Published on June 12, 2024, 12:31 am

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A recent public complaint has revealed that an FBI employee had his security clearance pulled following an examination of his political inclinations, specifically regarding his support for former President Donald Trump and opposition to COVID vaccines. The controversy centres around allegations of bias and the infringement of conservative viewpoints within the bureau.

Filed by Empower Oversight, a governmental watchdog group, to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, the complaint emphasizes that the punitive measures taken by the FBI against its employee were spurred on by his political stances. Documents within the complaint have shed light upon interviews conducted with individuals closely acquainted with said employee surrounding his views on Trump, COVID-19, and the events of January 6th.

The background investigation was carried out by SecD or Security Division of the FBI after it was self-disclosed by a 12-year tenured employee that he was present in Washington D.C. during January 6, 2021. This individual’s identity has been kept confidential in all publicised copies of this grievance.

As per information contained within the claimant file, we learn that on this mentioned day – while he was on personal leave – he was simply an observer near Capitol Hill where protests were being conducted in peace. However, later in April 2022 while presiding over these details about him, including his political point-of-view, the FBI suspended him indefinitely without pay with a terminated security clearance.

“I am disclosing today some appalling documents in SecD’s investigative report intimating both misuse of authority as well as encroachment upon our client’s First Amendment rights,” voiced Tristan Leavitt, Empower Oversight’s President. He went on further to accuse SecD stating they misused their clout in security clearance processing to eliminate from their ranks employees who opposed either their view on politics or mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.

SecD examined several acquaintances who acknowledged that although this person showed “support for President Trump” and expressed ‘objection to Covid-19 vaccination,’ he had never channelled any violent tendencies. They reported the employee as a “gun enthusiast” who attended a rally for Second Amendment in Virginia and expressed his strong support for Trump’s presidency via talk-shows, without endorsing aggression or physical harm.

In spite of being retired after suspension, this veteran has been sharing protected whistleblower disclosures with the House Judiciary Committee which is looking into potential misuse of power by intelligence agencies. Only last week, an ex-FBI agent saw his security clearance restored after counterclaiming against what he perceived to be retaliation from the bureau because he raised questions challenging the ‘official narrative’ circulating regarding January 6.

This real news demonstrates an incident that can stir passionate debate about trusted news, political biases and points on Christian worldview within professional organisations like FBI that are crucial to the safety and stability of our society.

Original article posted by Fox News

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