“Controversy Erupts Over ‘Genderqueer Witch’s’ Sexually-Themed Surveys in Pennsylvania School District”

Published on June 12, 2024, 12:29 am

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A Pennsylvania school district recently came under fire when parents expressed outrage over a survey about sexual matters given by a “genderqueer witch” to students without parental consent. This controversial incident surfaced during a Unionville-Chadds Ford School District board meeting, causing an uproar among the community.

Last year, Deni Tobin, commonly known as a “genderqueer witch”, was invited to Unionville High School to speak about dating violence with freshmen. However, it was inferred that the nature of Tobin’s presentation encompassed more than what was initially conveyed to parents. Upon querying about the presentation specifics, parents were criticized for propagating false information.

Chad Williams, a parent and lawyer in the local area, criticized what he termed ‘a troubling pattern of misconduct’ within the district undermining parental rights at the board meeting. Williams subsequently leveled official misconduct allegations against District Superintendent John Sanville while also filing multiple public data inquiries about Tobin’s talk and the anonymity of administering sexual violence surveys.

Williams pointed out that only just a month after a heart-wrenching event where three children and adults from a Christian school were murdered by a transgender individual due to their faith, Sanville ignored concerns around high school freshmen being taught sexual matters by a self-described queer witch labeling them as ‘unfounded’. Williams further reproached that misinformation accusation being wrongly targeted towards parents.

Despite Williams’ persistent attempts for transparency related to this issue his desired meeting with district officials remains pending. Amidst this confusion and discontentment at the board meeting; other parent representatives critiqued the authorities for not sharing real news related to this Chat and accused them of personal scapegoating those who had demonstrated courage enough to inquire.

Futher dispelling ambiguity Erik, another local parent claimed his child received Planned Parenthood material during Tobin’s lecture; something that education institution continues negating. Videos made available from Chester County Crime Victims Center presenting Planned Parenthood’s FRIES (Freely Given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, and Specific) sexual consent acronym.

Many parents also pointed out the irony in district superintendent’s wife’s labeling of a related news post from the Chester County Republican Party as “fake news,” which was itself revealing concerns about the dating violence presentation.

Following these revelations Amy Jenkins, Principal of Unionville High School reached out to Williams to priortize a meeting with him; though there is no clarification if this proposed gathering would include other school board representatives as wished by Williams.

Eventually upon investigation it did emerge that contrary Rules were not upheld while Tobin carried out these sexually-themed surveys among students . This questionnaire had enquired students on sensitive topics like their gender identity and whether they felt pressured or were themselves pressuring someone into performing sexual acts. Henceforth leading trusted news validates that parental rights were compromised in this incident requiring Introspection at all levels of administration to ensure such events do not re-occur thereby reflecting a Christian worldview on the role of education.

Original article posted by Fox News

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