“Questioning Hell’s Existence: A Defense Against Atheist Critique and A Call To Uphold Christian Worldview”

Published on June 11, 2024, 12:40 am

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A common argument made by atheists is that they do not deserve to be sentenced to Hell, suggesting an overreaction for the actions of most humans. They question if this measure is even feasible. However, I argue that their case lacks substance for a few critical reasons.

In his book, The Existence and Attributes of God, Puritan Stephen Charnock comprehensively addresses this issue. He insists on humans’ role as higher-ranking creations intended explicitly to honor God through obedience and reverence. When humans deflect from their path and in doing so reject our Creator’s sovereignty, it amounts essentially to atheism.

This ideology mirrors Apostle Paul’s description of those who abandon God in favor of pagan worship or self-worship but clearly sums up all forms of unbelief where we deny the place of our Creator and Sustainer – The Bible’s triune God.

The supposed alternatives presented by non-believers are actually a choice for Satan’s offer (Genesis 3:5) of autonomy, albeit elusive. It brings us to a rational point: If someone dethrones his rightful king either for personal acquisition or for another’s gain – is it not a significant transgression deserving extreme punishment?

While earthly sovereignty might conclude such treachery with physical death alone, divine jurisdiction goes beyond life itself (Matthew 10:28). Thus, rebels persisting in their resistance – just as the divine Judge persists with judgment even past eternity – continue suffering eternal damnation( Hell).

Amid real news about the judgement of Hell being both factual and utterly fair contrary to atheist claims must remember – there exists only one escape route. That is turning toward Jesus Christ and bathing in His redemptive sanctity while accepting that regardless of human efforts against Him, God remains firmly on His throne.

Breaking news around Christian worldview emphasizes that severe deviation from faith occurs when belief takes a backseat. Attempts launched by individuals like David French to replace gospel with a social cause often results in tangible theological ruin. Similarly, the Southern Baptist Convention’s current perturbation over women preachers reflects not just gender issues but the struggle to maintain integrity within religious interpretations and practices.

In summary, maintaining a trusted Christian worldview requires acknowledging God’s omnipotence, revering His authority, embracing Jesus Christ’s salvation, and continually striving against any attempt to overthrow His divine supremacy. Engrossed primarily in leading lives of obedience and reverence toward God, we must never forget that He remains immovably on His throne, irrespective of any attempt to eclipse Him.

Original article posted by Fox News

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