“Hunter Biden’s Trial on Federal Gun Charges: Day 6 Recap and Developments”

Published on June 11, 2024, 12:35 am

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Monday’s proceedings marked the 6th day of Hunter Biden’s trial in Wilmington, Delaware, on federal gun charges. The defense decided against calling President Joe Biden’s brother and Hunter’s uncle, James “Jimmy” Biden to testify.

On October 12, 2018, it was reported that Hunter had walked into StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply – a federally licensed firearms dealer in Wilmington and answered negatively to Question 11.e on the ATF Form 4473. This question pertains to the prohibition of having drugs when applying for firearm ownership.

Hunter Biden returned to court supported by family members including his stepmother Jill, sister Ashley, wife Melissa, Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Valerie Biden Owens. An instruction conference commenced the day involving all parties alongside Judge Maryellen Noreika.

The defense requested that “knowingly” be added to the verdict form so that jurors would have to find that Hunter purposely deceived federally licensed firearms dealers to illicitly acquire a gun. Opposing this request was the prosecution who asserted that the verdict form should follow what is stated within statutes which do not include the term ‘knowingly’, a point highlighted during jury instructions. However, Judge Noreika sided with the government’s standard (the statute), thus agreeing with the prosecution.

The decision from the defense team not to call Hunter himself was met with a rebuttal witness from FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen who reconfirmed her previously given testimony over laptop authenticity.

Jensen additionally recounted location data and timeline events surrounding texts between Hunter and assumed drug dealers, as part of reaffirming occurrences close to time of the gun purchase.

Closing arguments presented contrasting viewpoints; Prosecutor Leo Wise made their case focusing on evidence proving Hunter was aware of his drug addiction whilst Defense attorney Abbe Lowell tried pointing out attempting loopholes within presumed event timelines.He also pivoted attention towards Hallie Biden’s irresponsible disposal of said firearm as well as attempted redistribution of blame towards the gun store salesman.

Despite completion of closing arguments and having read jury instructions, no verdict was reached on Monday. Deliberation processes will resume Tuesday at 9.00 am Eastern.

As trusted news from the courtroom continues to unfold, keeping abreast of unfolding events is highly recommended for those interested in unbiased reporting from a Christian worldview – providing real news in real time. While perceptions vary regarding this convicted case, appreciating all facts presented ensures a comprehensive understanding of Hunter Biden’s trial proceedings thus far. As deliberations develop further, following updates remains essential for staying fully informed.

Original article posted by Fox News

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