“Divine Justice: An Examination of Atheism, God’s Existence and the Concept of Hell”

Published on June 8, 2024, 12:36 am

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The debate surrounding our perception of God and the concept of atheism has attracted continuous attention. An increasing number of atheists question the notion of an afterlife, specifically the existence and severity of Hell. Their argument typically centers on the belief that Hell is an excessive punishment for most human actions. However, this perspective can be challenged with strong counterarguments.

According to Stephen Charnock, a prominent Puritan figure and author of ‘The Existence and Attributes of God’, man often attempts to find happiness within himself or place himself above God, which contradicts his created purpose. We were made higher-ranking entities than other creatures with the intention to honor and glorify God through obedience and reliance on His goodness; hence when we act for ourselves and expect blessedness independently we are essentially disregarding Him.

Such behavior aligns with Apostle Paul’s thoughts conveyed in Romans 1:21-23 about those who knew God but did not glorify Him as such or offer gratitude but engaged in futile thinking consequently dulling their hearts’ understanding. They claimed wisdom but turned into fools by trading immortal God’s glory for images resembling mortal man and animals.

Though Paul speaks primarily about turning towards pagan worship while Charnock discusses atheism directly, both accounts suggest a refusal to acknowledge our Creator and Sustainer, thereby encompassing two distinct approaches towards unbelief.

Fundamentally speaking, all unbelievers have chosen autonomy along the lines suggested by Satan (Genesis 3:5), notwithstanding its illusory nature.

Given this context then aren’t atheists or pagans responsible for displacing their rightful king (God) from His throne? Such acts in political circles are considered treason punishable by death – isn’t it justified then that divine law views it similarly? Contrary to atheist beliefs, judgment in hell makes perfect sense as a necessary consequence for such rebellion.

In order to avoid such judgment, the only escape offered through Christian worldview is seeking refuge in Jesus and acknowledging His atoning sacrifice while recognizing God will always remain on his throne, unaffected by man’s attempts to dislodge Him.

This critical issue manages to illustrate the need for maintaining a balance between one’s actions and their due consequences. The real news is that one can’t simply dismiss this very Christian worldview as tales or myths but should ponder over it with seriousness it deserves. Trust the news based on well-studied theology doctrines to realize this sooner grappling with questions about existence, belief system, and spiritual outcomes. Breaking news is not only about happenings but also includes understanding such deep-rooted faith perspectives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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