“Escalating School Violence: A Wake-up Call for America’s Society and Education System”

Published on November 29, 2023, 1:27 am

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The recent event, where a mob of pro-Palestinian students at a Queens high school rallied against a Jewish teacher for her participation in a pro-Israel event, sets off an alarm that America is rapidly spiralling into turmoil, bearing semblance to France’s historical chaos known as the French Revolution. New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been disappointingly indifferent and cowardly instead of taking strong action against this disturbing incident.

The troubling scenario unraveled when a picture of the health teacher from Hillcrest High School holding an “I Stand With Israel” sign at a rally was posted on TikTok. This incited students to stage a protest outside her classroom demanding her dismissal on November 20. However, the situation escalated far beyond peaceful demonstration, transpiring into violent behavior as students furiously tried to penetrate the teacher’s room over two hours while severely damaging school property including ripping a water fountain from the wall and breaking tiles in the boys’ restroom.

In response to two harrowing hours during which incensed mobs reigned unchecked, only then did officials decide that it was time for law enforcement intervention. The New York Police Department finally arrived on the scene – counterterrorism bureau included – to assess potential threats posed against the institution, according to James Gennaro, NYC Council member representing Queens.

Revealing her traumatizing experience anonymously due coincidentally to safety concerns also brought forward by NYC post coverage, the veteran instructor with 23 years of tenure acknowledged being deeply rattled by both online and real-life calls for violence against her stemming from this episode.

As part of tackling this unfortunate conflagration, Mayor Adams announced that New York City Public Schools initiated an investigation into understanding its origin. In addition, he confirmed that ‘Project Pivot teams’ hailing from a diversity and inclusion organization were now tasked with explaining why such unruly conduct cannot be accepted. Yet looking at it objectively speaks volumes about how perpetrators resorting to life-threatening actions should be sanctioned appropriately such as suspensions or expulsions. A stance that was once prevalent nationwide, but now deemed inequitable by teachers unions and leftist academics.

Interestingly enough, teacher unions claiming to safeguard the interest of educators have been alarmingly mute following this abhorrent attack on one of their own.

What shouldn’t surprise us is seeing the surge in posts on social media platform TikTok – glamorizing everything from an open letter from Osama bin Laden justifying the 9/11 massacres targeting American civilians, to promoting violence against Asian, Jewish or white people, and also endorsing student groups causing property damage.

This isn’t unfamiliar territory where populist perspectives result in violent assaults. The French Revolution witnessed outrages against anyone even remotely related to oppressive aristocracy. Soviet purges left millions dead based on nothing more than mere rumours and minor allegations.

Learning from our historically discordant past where sacrifices were immeasurable can illuminate our path going forward. Noteworthy authors like Nikole Hannah-Jones and Howard Zinn created delusional realms wherein liberals conveniently repackage mass violence as justice, equity and progress shaping America’s future generations through distorted versions projected onto students in prestigious courses like honor history.

With “social justice” becoming all-encompassing at the expense of anyone dauntless enough to oppose unnatural “progress”, it becomes an area of grave concern necessitating immediate addressal. It’s time for us all to exchange insubstantial pseudoscience for valuable lessons derived from world history ensuring a leap towards true progress rooted in understanding, unity, comprehensive knowledge and respect for individual rights aligning with a Christian worldview fostering love, forgiveness and patience.

Whether or not you have views about real news unfolding around us or trusted news sources reporting them honestly remains a matter open for discussion. In the end, what matters most is engaging positively and productively while always bearing in mind that promulgating genuine healing and harmony at the societal level begins with each one of us.

Original article posted by Fox News

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