“The Existence of God: A Theological Perspective on Atheism, Contemporary Christianity, and Political Trends”

Published on June 6, 2024, 12:59 am

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Atheists often challenge the existence of God, asserting they don’t deserve the concept of Hell deem it an excessive punishment for most human beings. However, this perspective is rebuffed by many believers who assert its absolute justice.

In his influential work, ‘The Existence and Attributes of God,’ renowned Puritan theologian Stephen Charnock discussed this issue. He posited that humans ought to perceive God as the primary cause on which we are reliant and the ultimate end towards which our joy should be directed. Hence, when individuals trust themselves over God or expect happiness from their own actions rather than His blessings, without overtly acknowledging it, they slip into atheism.

Charnock’s ideology echoes Apostle Paul’s thoughts in Romans 1:21-23. Both reflect the theological view that placing anything else at the pedestal that rightfully belongs to our Creator diminishes His glory – a fundamental act of disbelief.

This argument applies equally to atheists and pagans alike. But what if we translated these theological principles into rational thought? If a traitor deposes his rightful king to usurp power or empower another usurper, isn’t it a crime deserving severe punishment? Similarly, those relinquishing faith in God would face divine retribution beyond physical death.

Contrary to atheists’ assertions, believers assert that judgment leading to Hell is not just real but also impeccably fair from a Christian worldview. The only path away from such divine sentencing lies in seeking shelter in Jesus’s salvation, recognizing His blood’s atoning power, and acknowledging that regardless of human attempts to discard Him, God remains omnipotent and reigns supreme.

On another note related to recent impactful news developments within religious circles – An alarming trend has magnified within the Christian Contemporary Music (CCM). Many accuse this industry of exploiting Christ’s name for personal gains only later to drift away from their religious commitment altogether while professing support for potentially unchristian practices like homosexuality.

On the political front, taxpayers within the United States may be disenchanted to learn that their funds are unwittingly being utilized for global promotion of homosexual practices via USAID. Adding to their probable discontent is their government’s increasing radical left-leaning tendencies, often perceived as being at society’s equilibrium expense.

And despite these prevalent unchristian conducts, Apostle Paul’s warnings in Galatians 6:7 hold more relevance than ever: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” It serves as a stern admonition – those seeking to distort God’s Word and corrupt His worship for personal purposes will inevitably face divine repercussions.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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