“Children and Drag Queens Gather for ‘Queer Fam Pride Jam’ in Chicago”

Published on June 6, 2024, 12:57 am

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In a surprising development in Chicago’s Millennium Park on Sunday, young children were present alongside men dressed as drag queens, one of whom was named “Fabulous Freddie”. It appeared that the event was organized specifically to attract a toddler audience.

Jules Hoffman started off the “Queer Fam Pride Jam” with a performance. Hoffman is known for creating music aimed at helping infants and toddlers learn their first words, through her YouTube channel called ‘Ms. Rachel’, which boasts nearly 10 million subscribers. Hoffman’s work has sparked controversy when she asked to be referred to by the pronouns ‘they/them’.

Hoffman performed some of her most recognized children’s songs like “Crabby Crab.” Post-performance, I navigated my way through security alongside dozens of families steering strollers into a jam-packed tent that seemed occupied mainly by people under forty or those under four.

At the entrance was a table manned by a drag queen giving kids “drag makeovers”. Children seemed uncomfortable as parents lead them to get made up with vibrant red paint applied to the eyebrows.

Subsequent to this scene unfolded an entire day of performances from different drag performers who danced for the children, some accepting money from these tiny spectators during suggestive dances.

The event also had approval not only from corporate sponsors such as Lululemon but also from city officials. City Mayor Brandon Johnson took center stage after Hoffman’s opening set, declaring June as an essential time and wishing everybody a ‘happy queer family month’.

The grand finale involved teaching kids about ‘vogueing,’ an often provocative dance style linked with queer identity, led by none other than Fabulous Freddie.

Several stalls offering food and drinks dotted the venue whereas others offered merchandise more consistent with the event’s theme – LGBT related children’s books amongst them; ‘Our Rainbow’ explaining various pride flag colors and ‘Being You,’ a picture book featuring illustrations of trans identifying youngsters.

Chicago seems unsurprising as a venue, given that it’s often seen as the epicenter for child-transitioning initiatives. Nearby this park is an infamous transgender clinic for children at the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital.

Furthermore, Chicago is heavily marked by contributions from Jennifer Pritzker, related to Illinois’s Democrat Governor, J.B. Pritzker and renowned patron of transgender movements. Landmarks like Pritzker Park, the Pritzker Family Children’s Zoo and others stand testament to the billionaire family’s influence.

Organizations like Jennifer Pritzker’s Tawani Foundation have been relentless supporters of advancing not just transgenderism but introducing it among children too. The foundation once donated $25,000 to finance a camp exclusively aimed at trans identifying children aged eight or younger.

Consequently, with developments like the “Queer Fam Pride Jam” in Chicago emerging featuring performers such as Hoffman who targets babies and toddlers yet unable to articulate anything verbally; it seems inevitable that this movement may only continue developing its outreach even further.

Original article posted by Fox News

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